
Can we experience the infinite? The world''s most modern scientists and mathematicians embark on a search for the infinite and its amazing effects on the universe.

Does infinity exist? Can we experience the Infinite? In an animated film (created by artists from 10 countries) the world's most cutting-edge scientists and mathematicians go in search of the infinite and its mind-bending implications for the universe.

Eminent scientists - mathematicians, physicists, theoretical physicists, cosmologists, philosophers - discuss infinity: the concept, how large it is, whether it exists physically, its practical uses. Through practical examples we get to understand it better.—grantss


  • cat
  • science
  • math
  • psychedelic animation
  • infinity
  • Documentary
Release date Sep 25, 2022
Motion Picture Rating (MPA) TV-PG
Countries of origin United States
Language English
Production companies Makemake Room 608

Box office

Tech specs

Runtime 1h 19m
Color Color
Aspect ratio


The documentary explores the concept of infinity through interviews with mathematicians, physicists and philosophers around the world.

Alan Lightman is a physicist. Delilah Gates, Carlo Rovelli, Brian Greene & Anthony Aguirre are theoretical physicists. Stephon Alexander is a Cosmologist. Steven Strogatz, Eugenia Cheng & Moon Duchin are mathematicians.Rebecca Newberger Goldstein & Kenny Easwaran are philosophers.

The basic idea of infinity is that numbers never end. Any number, no matter how big is insignificant in comparison to infinity.To be conscious is to be dealing with infinity.

Rebecca thinks that infinity is just a product of our minds. But humans are born with a fear of the infinite: a bottomless pit, a nightmare that you cannot wake up from, time that never ends and so on.Some people find infinity uplifting as they know that they are part of something far bigger than themselves.

In Mathematics something exists, if there are rules for it and it can be controlled. But infinity leads to paradoxes and contradictions.In an infinity hotel, there are infinite rooms, and all the rooms are occupied. When a new guest shows up, the manager simply asks each existing guest to move to the next room. Guest in 1 moves to 2, in 2 moves to 3 and so on. This way everyone still has a room and room 1 is empty.If infinite new guests show up, the manager tells everyone to move to the room double of their current room. This way all the odd number rooms are now empty, and the new guests move into it.

The manager takes 15 minutes to clean the first room, and half of the previous room for each subsequent room. ¼+1/8+1/16 and so on to infinity adds to up to 1 Hour. The manager will be done cleaning all the rooms in one hour. But there is no way out for the manager from infinity.Infinity + 1 = Infinity. But if you subtract infinity from both sides, you get 1 = 0.

A circle is infinity. It has infinite corners and sides. But then circles have no corners, so infinity is now like zero. A small circle and a large circle, both have infinite number of points on their surfaces.But infinity is not singular. There is a whole hierarchy of infinities. There are smaller infinities and bigger infinities.Mathematicians tamed infinity with the invention of calculus. The calculus you can study a complicated thing by breaking it up into simpler things. Solve the problem for the simpler things and add the results back together to get the complicated whole.Understanding of electricity was only made possible by calculus.

Infinity exists in the world of mathematics, as it has a symbol, it has rules, and it solves problems in the real world.Does infinity exist in the real world. The night sky is theoretically infinite. But infinity cannot be measured, it cannot be accessed, and nobody can wrap their arms around it. All a laboratory can measure is approximations of infinite numbers.The Universe itself started expanding at a rate which was an irrational number. So, maybe the Universe itself is carrying out a giant computation.

Matter is not continuous as it cannot be infinitely divided. It is made of atoms, electrons and protons. But you can keep dividing space forever. But even space cannot be divided beyond Planck length which is 10 to the power of -33 centimeters. So, even space is not truly continuous, it is discreet.

Black Holes are the real infinities. A Black Hole is an infinitely dense mass of matter from which even light cannot escape. Every Black Hole has an event horizon. Once you cross the event horizon, you keep falling till you reach the singularity, or the middle point of the black hole with infinity density and infinite curvature. At this point, one simply falls out of existence. At this point, the laws of nature break down.A black hole could be a portal into a new Universe.

A Universe inhabits a finite space with a finite mass & a finite amount of energy and a finite number of configurations in which those mass and energy particles can exist. So, if space does go on infinitely far, then it is inevitable that the patterns and configurations of mass and energy will repeat themselves. There will be copies of us in another part of the Universe doing exactly the same thing.Anything that can happen will happen an infinite number of times.Because speed is not infinite, all we can "see" is the past of different galaxies, stars and planets. Light is too slow to travel between Galaxies, or even within a Galaxy.The Universe just goes on and on and on. We were not here a million years ago, and we will not be here a million years from now and the Universe does not care.

Einstein postulated that Universe is finite, but without walls. If you exit the Universe from one side, you simply enter the Universe from the other side. There are an infinite number of ways to make the Universe finite and only 2 ways to make the Universe infinite.Since speed of light is finite, we will never be able to know what is beyond the observable subset of the Universe.

Universe is expanding and the rate of expansion is increasing. So, eventually, we will be cut off from other Galaxies, and the nuclear fuel in our Galaxy will run out and the Galaxy will die. With the same process, eventually in a 100 billion years the Universe will come to an end. All that will be left at that point are particles wafting through the darkness.

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