A goofy detective specializing in animals goes in search of the missing mascot of the Miami Dolphins.
To be a Pet Detective, you have to understand both the criminals and animals. Ace Ventura goes even further... He behaves like a criminal animal. When a football team's mascot (a dolphin) is stolen just before the Superbowl, Ace Ventura is put on the case. Now, who would want to steal a dolphin, and why?—Lars J. Aas <larsa@colargol.edb.tih.no>
Ace Ventura is a Pet Detective, The three things he tried to detected were A LOVELY DOG, A DOLFIN & A PIGEON respectively. Ace Ventura charater is not only funny with his awful and silly expressions but stern about animals. To the parallel of Ace Ventura is a Detective Aggency guided by Ms. Hornbill. While searching for the DOLPHIN, Pet Detective showed his madness and intelligence he got a woman who eventually happened to like the Pet Detective finally in Climax Ace Ventura solved the case of missing DOLPHIN in that revelation they lost something...—priyanshhariyale
He's the best there is. In fact, he's the only one there is! He's Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Ace is on the case to find the Miami Dolphins' missing mascot and quarterback Dan Marino. He goes eyeball to eyeball with a man-eating shark, stakes out the Miami Dolphins and woos and wows the ladies. Whether he's undercover, under fire or underwater, he always gets his man . . . or beast!—Robert Lynch <docrlynch@yahoo.com>
Ace Ventura (Jim Carrey) is a pet detective & hates animal abusers.Late in the night at Miami Stadium, a group of individuals break in and steal the Miami Dolphins' mascot- a trained dolphin named snowflake. Next morning, the Dolphin's Head of Operations Roger Podacter (Troy Evans) and his Chief Publicist named Melissa Robinson (Courtney Cox) are instructed to find the missing Snowflake before the upcoming Super Bowl (out of fear that the theft will affect the superstitious football players). A member of their staff was previously a client of Ace Ventura so they decide to call in this "pet detective" in to try investigating.
After receiving the request from Melissa to investigate, Ace goes to the stadium & takes a look inside Snowflake's tank, finding a small stone in the filter system.Later that day, Ace Ventura stops in at the local police headquarters. After an altercation with Sgt. Aguado (John Capodice), Ace meets his friend Detective Emilio (Tone Loc) to find out what leads the police may have. Emilio admits that a missing animal case isn't a priority for the police but they suspect that one of the local animal rights groups (who have repeatedly protested the Miami Dolphin's ownership of Snowflake) may be responsible. At this point, Emilio's superior, attractive female Lt. Lois Einhorn (Sean Young) comes along and throws Ace out.
Ace decides to investigate Ron Camp (who has recently purchased a lot of dolphin equipment & had also donated land to Miami for the new stadium) further & gets into a party thrown by Camp that evening with Melissa. As Camp attempts to seduce Melissa, Ventura investigates Camp's home & finds a large aquarium tank that he assumes holds the missing Snowflake. However, the tank actually holds a large shark & Ace barely escapes with his life.
As Melissa & Ace leave the party, the detective notices a ring on Camp's hand. Ace informs Melissa of the stone he found in Snowflake's tank-and Camp's ring had the same kind of stones (but since no stones were missing, Camp was not the one responsible for Snowflake's abduction). The ring is a 1984 AFC Championship Ring, won by the Miami Dolphins. Ace decides to personally investigate all the ring-owners to find one with a missing stone, but before long his photographic list of suspects has run out with no results.
Roger is meanwhile dead. Police concludes suicide by jumping 20 stories from his apartment, but Ace proves that someone threw Roger from the apartment hence a murder, not a suicide.Ace finds that a player in 1984 was a mid-season replacement kicker named Ray Finkle. Finkle is the player who lost the 1984 Super Bowl- by missing the final field goal in an event known as "The Kick Heard Round The World." As a result of this, Finkle's contract with the Dolphins was not renewed and he never played football again.
Ace visits Ray's home & learns that he was mental, but escaped. A tour of Finkle's room shows a testament to his hatred of Dan Marino, the player who held the ball for Finkle's Kick and who Ray blames for the whole thing (insisting that Marino held the ball "laces in" instead of out, per regulations).
Realizing that Marino is in danger, Ace telephones Melissa. Marino is filming a commercial for Isotoner gloves when he is tackled by two men in Miami Dolphins uniforms-apparently as part of the commercial. But when the "Dolphins" keep carrying Dan after the director yells CUT, everyone realizes what has happened. Ace attempts to stop the abductors but they evade capture.Einhorn finds Ace in her office after a press interview, infuriating her- until Ace mentions the name Ray Finkle. Ace shares his theory with the lieutenant- Finkle has come back to take his revenge right at Super Bowl time, when it will be most harmful to the Dolphins. Snowflake was the first target of revenge because the dolphin had been given Finkle's old number and taught to kick a field goal as part of the halftime show. Ace also theorizes that Podacter was murdered because he recognized Finkle from his previous tenure with the Dolphins. Lt. Einhorn actually applauds Ace's work, making physical advancements towards the pet detective- which Ace rebuffs.
Ace then uncovers an unusual news article- the failure of search parties to locate a missing hiker named Lois Einhorn. Thats when Ace realizes that Lois Einhorn is actually Ray Finkle posing as a woman.On the morning of the Super Bowl, Ace tails Einhorn to a remote boathouse where Dan Marino & Snowflake are being kept. Ace manages to defeat Einhorn's two henchmen but is caught by Einhorn. Einhorn radios the police for assistance, claiming Ace is the one behind the abductions.
As the police arrive, Einhorn orders them to shoot Ace- until Melissa arrives holding Emilio at gunpoint to distract the other police officers enough to let Ace finish the case.Ace explains the full details of Finkle's new career and plan, ripping off Lt. Einhorn's clothes in an effort to prove his point. However, Ace's efforts only seem to prove that Einhorn is a genuine female. However, Dan Marino spots the truth- Einhorn has male genitalia tucked between her (his?) legs. Ace realizes that this is why Roger Podacter died- he learned of Einhorn's true gender!