A series dedicated to discover, explain, and share answers to humanity's biggest questions.
As a a series dedicated to discover, explain, and share answers to humanity's biggest questions, it's topics cover: reality, existence, and the origin of the universe; the nature and potentiality of consciousness; time, freewill, and subjective illusions; God, afterlives, and themes common across religions; the distant past, far future, and ultimate limits of technology. Join us as we embark on this journey, using logic, rationality, evidence, and the latest tools and theories of science to wrestle from nature answers to age-old questions.
Each episode offers a thorough treatment of a topic, centered on a "big question". The first episode attempts to answer the question of the size and scope of reality itself, asking how big is the universe? The second episode addresses the question of whether or not Earth is alone in the universe, as the only life-bearing planet. It explores the necessary ingredients for life, and considers the number of possibly life-bearing planets in our galaxy and universe. The third episode concerns the rapidly accelerating pace of technological change, and attempts to answer the question of if and when artificial intelligence will surpass us. The answer appears sooner than most people realize. The fourth episode investigates the question of whether or not our biomedical technology will ever succeed in curing the disease of aging, and perhaps, death itself. The fifth episode concerns the nature of time, and how Einstein's special relativity revolutionized our understanding of it. It leads to a radical conception where time itself is a kind of illusion. The sixth episode covers ten scientific theories each of which tell us something about the possibility for life after death or what we might expect in an after life. The seventh episode covers the various fine-tuning coincidences we find in the laws of physics and fundamental constants of nature. It appears as though they were specially chosen to permit the existence of life. It analyzes three possible explanations for this. The eighth episode searches for an answer to the question of the meaning of life, it covers answers from ancient peoples and religions, and philosophers throughout history. In the end, it explores the implications for what an answer to this question can tell us about our future and destiny, and how we can get the most out of life. In the ninth and most recent episode, the series tackles the question of why anything exists. It presents a modern theory, backed by evidence, that gives a surprising answer.