The story is set in the 1500s, during the time of Rajah Mangubat's reign. He was known as the undefeated notorious leader of chief captains.
The story is set in the 1500s, during the time of Rajah Mangubat's reign. He was known as the undefeated notorious leader of chief captains. Not long after, a village priestess or babaylan prophesizes that he would be killed by a woman with a twin snake one day.
Rajah Mangubat becomes anxious about the prophecy as he orders all pregnant women in his own village tribe and also in others to be killed. Datu Bugna's village is the only one that survives Rajah Mangubat's terror because of their alliances.
What Rajah Mangubat doesn't know is that the baby girl that he has been looking for to be killed has been born in Datu Bugna's territory. Amaya is Datu Bugna's daughter from Dal'lang, an uripon (slave). Amaya's biggest secret about her twin snake was hidden even from herself. Amaya became a binukot (hidden princess) as what according to their culture together with her half sisters. Amaya's twin snake is thrown away to the forest and is told that it may only come back if Amaya is in dire need of help.
Lamitan, the wife of Datu Bugna, has lost her patience of suffering from the emotional pain she receives from Bugna as for they were not married for love but for responsibility. Due to this, Lamitan betrayed him and told to Mangubat that her husband is planning a revolt against him. This ended Bugna's life as it was ended by Rajah Mangubat.
Amaya, on the other hand, became a slave as what her step mother wanted to seek revenge for what Amaya's mother did to her. Pain and anger was planted on Amaya's heart as she wants to seek revenge for the death of her father against Mangubat and Lamitan. Things get complicated when she knew that her long lost first love, Bagani, is the son of Rajah Mangubat.
As Amaya's story progresses with her sisters, Marikit (The Evil Beauty) and Binayaan (The Forgotten Princess), her destiny continues with the politics, medicine, animism, warship, revenge and love.