About the life and work of controversial American Jewish academic Norman Finkelstein.
A devoted son of Holocaust survivors and ardent critic of Israeli foreign policy, the polarizing American political scientist and author Norman Finkelstein has been called a lunatic and self-hating Jew by some, and an inspirational revolutionary by others. Exploring the deeply complex issues at the heart of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, American Radical is the insightful and enraging documentary that follows Finkelstein around the world as he attempts to negotiate a voice among impassioned critics and supporters. Uncompromising even in the face of his recent denial of tenure at DePaul University, Finkelstein is a complex and supremely lonely figure whose self-destructive nature often undermines his academic credibility. A guaranteed argument starter, this potent documentary plunges viewers into the psychological and intellectual underpinnings of a vitriolic personality.—Anonymous
I find the plot summary too opinionated. Finkelstein may be solitary, he may even be alone, but it is a strong assumption to say he is lonely. "Self-destructive nature often undermines his academic credibility", oh yeah? Don't confuse this with Zionist bile that is intended to discredit him. Did you hear the praise from Noam Chomsky on his academic work? I think you are confusing his passion and determination and above all his integrity (a word you might have been generous enough to have acknowledged as fitting) for just another rabble rouser. Yes he is combative, but anyone less than a true warrior would not have survived this long with his convictions intact. And survive, against tremendous odds, still fighting for Israel's and humanity's soul, Finkelstein most certainly has.