Interviewing multiple scientists on climate change, not only does this film cover the science and the facts, it explores the culture of the global warming movement and its motivation, and who stands to make millions.
An Inconsistent Truth is one man's odyssey to find the truth about man-made global warming. As the title suggests, this is an answer to Al Gore's Oscar-winning documentary but it's much more than a simple rebuttal. We not only talk with leading scientific experts on the 'skeptic' side but we explore the entire culture of the global warming movement; often in a humorous and satirical way. The viewpoint of this film might not be the most popular position on the subject but it offers refreshing diversity. Diversity, after all, is not just found in different cultures or races or religions. True diversity is diversity of thought.—Anonymous
The definitive answer to Al Gore's movie. An Inconsistent Truth not only explores the flawed science behind the global warming movement but the culture that drives the hysteria. Despite what the global warming alarmists claim, there is no consensus on this issue. Temperatures have been steady for the past decade and the alarmists are scrambling for an explanation.
An Inconsistent Truth explores the main points put forth by the manmade global warming proponents. It covers the claim that CO2 is a pollutant. It destroys the myth that polar bears are dying off. It explains that ice falling into the ocean from glaciers actually means the glacier is growing. It explains how ice has been receding at the North Pole but growing at the South Pole. It also explains why melting sea ice does not cause sea levels to rise. The movie reveals that hurricanes are not tied to global warming as Al Gore has claimed and that, in fact, hurricanes have not been increasing in intensity or frequency.
The movie also delves into the culture behind the global warming movement. It draws parallels between the global warming movement and religion, even a cult. The film also exposes who's making money from the global warming hysteria, how Al Gore is heavily invested in businesses that get green subsidies from the government and how he and his friends stand to make billions from cap-and-trade or carbon offset scheme devised by governments.
Throughout the film the host, Phil Valentine, seeks an interview with Al Gore. He goes to his Nashville mansion, even shows up at a book signing but Gore always manages to elude him without facing the truth.