Anadiataxis is divided into two distinct parts, with an "underground" connection between them. Part A, deals with the Director's Phenetic / Corinthian origin. Part B, describes 10 strange Corinthian Stories, which took place in Corinth.
The film "Anadiataxis" is divided into two distinct parts, with an "underground" connection between them. Part A, characterized as "Something like an Autobiography," deals with the Director's Phenetic / Corinthian origin and the Journey of the Phenetian Land from Mythical times to the Present. Part B, describes and visualizes 10 Strange Stories, which took place in Old and New Corinth, from the 2nd century AD to the completely modern days (21st century). These stories (in chronological order of revelation) are: The Nymph of Corinth. (A vampire story recorded by Phlegon of Tralles (2nd century AD) and the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1797) Corinthian Holy Paul, the Deranged Saint. (8th / 9th century) The Dervish Phantom. (1823) The Last Bandits, beheaded in Corinth. (1870 - 1900) Our Dilinger, Lives and Reigns. (1963) The Evil Doppelganger. The Muse of Nouvelle Vague Jean Seberg meets the Chimera in Corinth. (1967) The Stone that fulfills every Wish. (2001) Man in Black. (2018) Fool's Gold. (2019) Love Intense à la Bollywood. (2021)