When the DEAD walk the earth, there's no place for a man of peace.
Two down and out strangers are brought together by mysterious letters into a safe house as the world around them is infected by an experimental virus that transforms the living into the living dead. She is a former prostitute hiding from the world. He is a former assassin turned priest who has renounced violence. Together they must unravel the mystery of the letters if they hope to survive.—Anonymous
Christopher is a professional killer on the governments payroll, until his conscience turns him away from his wet work and into a life in the priesthood. He turns his back on the violence and struggles for an elusive peace. He almost has it.
Until a mysterious red envelope pulls him back. Back to a safe house that becomes a deathtrap as a mysterious virus transforms the world around him into a nightmare of the living dead. Together with a feisty recluse named Mary and Stanley, a nervous Jehovahs Witness, he must unravel the clues to this great conspiracy if he hopes to survive.
Sometimes the path to redemption leads through the gates of hell.
This apocalyptic tale also involves a massive pimp named Grin, two not so innocent Asian Schoolgirls, a retired ex-marine named Nick and his timid wife Michelle, an innocent bystander named Delilah , an omnipresent watcher in black and the omniscient Jeremiah.
Fate and human machinations tie them all together in a downward spiral of deception and violence. Violence that teaches the world to fear the wrath of a peaceful man.
Filled with action, laughter and more than its share of humanity, AWAKEN THE DEAD crosses genres to bring you a universal tale of horror and action. AWAKEN THE DEAD is also a redemption tale about two lost souls who are dead to the world until the demons without force them to confront the demons within.