A drifter is picked up by police in connection with the disappearance of a young couple on a remote, windswept island months before. But the drifter turns the table on their investigation and relates a tale of madness and the supernatural.
Dublin, Ireland. A seemingly aimless drifter is picked up by police in connection with the disappearance of a young couple on a remote, windswept island months before. But the drifter, a disgraced monk, turns the table on their investigation and relates a tale of madness, murder and the supernatural. Inishdubh, a desolate swath of mountain and turf miles off the NorthWest mainland of Ireland, has always keep it's most dreadful secret tucked away from the world. Locals prefer it that way. Tradition has blinded them to a spate of missing mothers and daughters over the years. So when Deirdre Murphy, a local village girl, contracts what she believes to be an age old family curse runs away, her father, hellbent on stopping her, gives chase. But Deirdre is different. Heady and wild, tradition has never been her moral compass. Unwilling to accept her fate she lights out for the hills, alone. Until Fionn, a local tinker boy blindly in love with her, insists on tagging along. Together they take off across the island in search of an impossible cure. Before them, a punishing mid-Winter awaits. Behind them all those bedtime stories they grew up with as kids, are catching up. There's no denying it. Something long-dead and lustful is on their heels. Something that has always disturbed the rural quiet in these parts. It hungers to share a bed with Deirdre's haunted father. And be a mother, to Deirdre herself, one last time. Back in Dublin, the drifter's tale of madness, murder and the supernatural has only just begun.—Thomas Lead