Two childhood friends are pro athletes of a national sport called BASEketball, a hybrid of baseball and basketball, and must deal with a greedy businessman scheming against their team.
Two losers from Milwaukee, Coop & Remer, invent a new game playing basketball, using baseball rules. When the game becomes a huge success, they, along with a billionaire's help, form the Professional Baseketball League where everyone gets the same pay and no team can change cities. Coop & Remer's team, the Milwaukee Beers is the only team standing in the way of major rule changes that the owner of the Dallas Felons wants to institute.—Kelvin Cabrera-Castellar <[email protected]>
By the 1990's, all professional sports became too highly commercialized, with marketing and endorsement deals calling the shots. Athleticism gives way to show-boating. Even the stadiums became billboards to market products and the players sold their services to the highest bidder. Entire teams moved to new cities in search for greater profits.As the talent pool declined, teams were forced to recruit from prisons and mental asylums. Sports became full on brawls during the games. The fans deserted even when the owners tried inter-league and then inter-sport games.
Milwaukee slackers and lifelong best friends Joseph R. "Coop" Cooper (Trey Parker) and Douglas "Doug" Remer (Matt Stone) gate crash the college graduation party of a high-school friend and are shunned by their classmates as they were not even invited. Coop had always wanted to be a sports star since childhood, but life turned out to be very different as they grew up. Coop spends all his time playing games on his Nintendo machine.
They find themselves outside drinking beer and shooting a basketball when two classmates challenge them to a game. After seeing that their opponents are very good at basketball, they say they will only play a game they picked up in the streets (while secretly inventing the rules as they play, based on and combining elements of both basketball and baseball). The game also features the ability to stop your opponent from scoring by distracting them using any manner of insults, which is a technique known as "Psyche Out".After winning, they decide to refine the rules to the game and Coop makes the first BASEketball out of a La-Z-Boy chair. Their friend, Kenny "Squeak" Scolari (Dian Bachar), tags along (he worked for the gas company and had come to shut down the gas, but ended up being lure by the game) and the sport becomes very popular in the neighborhood over the next six months.
Businessman Ted Denslow (Ernest Borgnine) meets Coop and Remer and proposes the creation of the National BASEketball League (NBL) along with numerous rules in place to prevent its decline: teams cannot switch cities, players cannot be traded, individuals cannot make money via corporate sponsorship deals, and anyone who wants to play can freely participate, with Denslow stating that "anyone can be a sports hero".Though reluctant, Coop ultimately accepts the opportunity.
Five years later, the NBL is in full swing with teams, fans, stadiums, and a major championship, the Denslow Cup. Denslow owns the Milwaukee Beers, Coop and Remer's team. During the championship game, Denslow dies from choking on a hot dog, causing Coop to miss his shot and costing the Beers the game. Denslow was 85 years old.Coop's mistake hands the Championship to the Dallas Felons owned by Baxter Cain.Denslow's will names Coop as owner of the Beers for one year on the condition that they win the next Denslow Cup; otherwise, ownership reverts to Denslow's widow Yvette (Jenny McCarthy).
Coop and Remer then meet Jenna Reed (Yasmine Bleeth), head of the Dream Come True Foundation, and Joey (Trevor Einhorn), one of the children in her care and a passionate fan of BASEketball; Coop, Remer and Squeak begin spending time with the two, with Coop eventually forming a romantic relationship with Jenna.
Baxter Cain (Robert Vaughn), owner of the Dallas Felons, wants to remove Denslow's rules preventing commercialization of the sport, having been unable to do so during Denslow's lifetime. However, Coop refuses to accept any changes and Cain needs all owners to agree for the rules to be changed.Cain partners with Yvette as he tries to make the Beers lose the next Denslow Cup so she will own the team; however, the Beers still continue winning games and heading towards the championship. The Beers team has the best Psyche outs in the game and no opponent are able to score against them.
Joe's wish is to spend time with the team before his liver operation. The guys take him to a bar and get horribly drunk. Remer promises Joe that Coop will hit 3 home runs for Joe, in that evening's game. But Coop is horribly drunk and misses. Joe still survives his surgery.Jenna falls in love with Coop, but wants to know if Coop will stay committed to her.
Cain approaches Remer, telling him that he made an offer to Coop, but Coop refused without telling Remer. Remer confronts Coop about what Cain told him, and Coop quickly compromises by declaring Remer part owner of the team. He offers stock options for all players, including medical benefits and 20-week free psychiatric care.
Coop and Remer both continue to hit on Jenna, and this is noticed by Cain.Later, Cain cuts the funding to Jenna's foundation in an attempt to get Coop and Remer to adopt a clothing line (this is allowed as per the rules if the proceeds of an endorsement go to charity); Coop opposes it, but Remer agrees and becomes conceited with his newfound A-list status.After the semifinals, Cain blackmails Coop and Remer into losing or forfeiting the Denslow Cup game, or else he will inform the public that the clothing line has been produced through child labor in Calcutta, thus ruining the team and Jenna's foundation. Jenna learns about the scandal and breaks up with Coop, as Coop and Remer blame each other for the controversy, with Remer declaring that Coop was no longer his best friend.
With their friendship dissolved, Coop goes to Calcutta, aiming to resolve the situation by replacing the child workers with adults. Returning to the championship game just as it begins, Coop and Remer still argue with each other and the Beers are losing; by the seventh inning stretch, the Beers are down 16-0. Finally infuriated by the pair's feuding, Squeak gives the stadium an impassioned speech, reminding Coop and Remer where they came from, how much they changed everyone else's lives, and what they risk losing if they lose the game.
Motivated, Coop and Remer reconcile as Yvette, also moved by Squeak's speech, breaks off her alliance with Cain. After shifting their focus back in the game, they are poised to win when Coop's La-Z-Boy BASEketball pops. Joey brings a crestfallen Coop a new BASEketball made from a Barcalounger, restoring his confidence. After a risky last throw, they win the Denslow Cup. Jenna and Coop reconcile as Yvette makes out with Remer, and both men skate around the stadium with their new trophy.