
Two different movies are clashing, causing reality to fall into chaos. An immortal hero is leaving a path of destruction on a lighthearted world. It's now up to Ever to find him, and rebel against the higher powers that doomed them.

Sargent Ever is stuck in an endless limbo of violence until one day, he realizes he is not alone: An immortal man walks through his world, leaving a trail of destruction. Two different movies are starting to clash, the script itself is being challenged, and reality is crumbling. Are these two men doomed to chase each other forever, or will they rebel against the mysterious force at the end of the world?—João Bruno


  • 20th century
  • satire comedy
  • artificial intelligence sci fi
  • virtual world
  • undead warrior
  • Action
  • Comedy
  • Sci-Fi
Release date Mar 6, 2024
Countries of origin Portugal
Language English
Filming locations Porto, Portugal

Box office

Budget $1000

Tech specs

Runtime 2h 2m
Aspect ratio


The primary protagonist, sergeant Ever, is called in the early morning to the scene of a massacre. A whole battalion of private military contractors have been wiped out, and no evidence of any enemy force. Ever notes that the evidence points to an impossible scenario, where a single man walked out of the conflict despite suffering impossible injuries. Being aware that an event of this scale has never happened before without his presence, he vows to find this immortal man before the destruction spreads. We get a brief glimpse of the blood-covered immortal man, frantically running through a mountain range, evading explosive ordinance sent his way. Eventually, the firing stops, as he falls unconscious down a cliff, escaping the police and stumbling into the terrain of a mysterious guerrilla group, set on hunting him down. Back in the city, Ever and his squad prepare a raid on the house of the suspect. Arriving they are met with heavy resistance from armed men, who reveal to be the same guerrillas as in the previous scene. Ever recognizes the group and notes they don't usually come into the city, concluding that they are also hunting the suspect. Before he could investigate further, he is distracted by a lone gunman who was hiding in the upstairs of the house. Realizing they needed a live suspect, a chase across the city ensues, where Ever reveals to have the ability for some inexplicable, superhuman feats. Upon cornering the suspect, he is revealed to also have unusual abilities and a fierce gunfight ensues. We suddenly cut to the perspective of the immortal man: he has luckily fallen into a hole, hidden from the guerrilla, but he hears them outside looking for him after having chased off the police. The guerrillas are revealed to be guided by two people: a survivor of the massacre and a mysterious figure with a metallic voice. Despite their careful guidance, the guerrillas start firing randomly in hopes of chasing the immortal man out of hiding. Taking advantage of the chaos and their lack of ammunition, the immortal seizes the aftermath of an accidental explosion and emerges from the ground, Picking off the surviving guerrilla members in a firefight. After surviving an ambush through some supernatural feats, he finds the mysterious figure as it tries to make an escape, summoning two towering armored men to defend himself. Moving at an inhuman speed, he dispatches the armored men before impaling the mysterious figure, revealing an inhuman, mechanical inside to him. The Immortal man then learns that they are after a mysterious object he carries, and learns that his own existence is threatening the natural order for reasons beyond his understanding, as the undying corpses of the figures he just killed rise up to chase him once more. Disturbed by this discovery, the immortal man wanders out of the guerrilla territory, as an apocalyptic storm rages in the horizon. The immortal man wanders up a mountain as a disembodied voice taunts him and his choices. As the lightning storm rages, the city can be seen engulfed in flames in the horizon: the wave of chaos he caused has spread as a full scale war rages on. Finding an unusual white cable running down the mountain, he decides to cut it, which freezes time and all sound around him. Intrigued, he follows it into a dark, silent valley, where all surrounding light ceased, and a mysterious house towers in the middle of the wilderness, shining a ghostly glow through one of it's windows. Back to Sergeant Ever, he wakes up on the floor, confused and injured, as he looks around he sees a large firefight happening with a barricaded police convoy returning fire to an armed group of guerrilla members, similar to the ones found before. Upon crawling to his teammates, they explain that on the way back to the station with the subject detained, they stopped to issue a parking ticket that escalated into a war, their convoy now pinned down by a sniper with an anti-tank rifle. Upset that this matter is distracting from his investigation, Ever decides to take a squad with him on foot to lead an assault to the sniper's location. As they battle through the city ruins, they come across a mysterious witness who gets obliterated by police aircraft before he could speak, revealing that the location they are in will be bombed soon if they cannot escape. Isolated, outnumbered and low on ammunition, they eventually tear their way to the sniper's nest through some unusual, fourth-wall-breaking tactics. He reveals himself to be one of the undying creatures that chases the immortal man, seriously injuring Ever, who has to resort again to breaking the movie's rules to defeat him. The dying body of the creature reveals a shocking item: the movie's script. As Ever reads it, he realizes that his teammates will stick to their scripted behavior no matter what he says, urging him to forget the mystery and to go back to the action. Realizing his world is a lie and that he is truly alone, Ever turns on his squad, determined to find the real truth. He quickly makes his way back to the police station alone, now rundown and empty. To himself, he notes that the guerrillas he encountered have all been mute, and he concluded it must have been to prevent them from breaking the script as he did. He grabs a large supply of weapons and a large shotgun hidden in a case, before speeding down the highway towards the edge of the city, as his team beg on the radio for him to return and help contain the chaos. As he reaches the border his car gets riddled with gunfire from a large barricade in the distance, stopping him in his tracks. Furious at his fellow policemen, Ever gets out of the damaged car taunting them and wielding a rocket launcher, which he fires into the barricade destroying it. Approaching the barricade on foot, he realizes it is fake, with the soldiers and the buildings being large wood structures as in a movie set, revealing the whole background of the city is fake. From the sound system that was mimicking the soldier's voices, another mysterious white cable appears, which Ever follows and eventually reaches the same dark valley, walking into the same eerie mansion... The Immortal man explores the bottom floor of the house, silent and seemingly empty, the silence only broken by the storm outside. On the bottom floor, a plethora of weird machinery and computers, and upstairs, a viewing room, with thousands of movie cases and an array of screens, each overseeing a different location from the film. One screen shows us the overhead satellite view of the characters that we have been shown the whole film, revealing sergeant Ever right behind him: the two protagonists finally meet. Weary and still injured, Ever expresses he has no desire to fight him, and instead wants to understand the reason for the chaos that has occurred the whole day. The immortal man explains that the mysterious object he was holding since the beginning was a copy of a movie that had very similar events to the ones that have happened, except he wasn't a part of it himself. He concludes that the world they live in is not real and is in fact a simulation created with the purpose of making films, a reality that has made him suffer greatly. Surprisingly, Ever reveals that he was already aware of the nature of this world, but that he believes that while created artificially, the people in this world are real, feel emotions and suffer as real people do, and they deserve better. He realized today that with him, two people that have broken the script, they can join forces and be able to perhaps find out who is behind all of this. They agree to join forces, just as a large group of armored creatures launch a surprise assault on the house. They struggle to fend off the assault as the creatures are very durable and heavily armed, but as one of them throws a grenade into the upstairs room, the immortal man kicks it into the floor below, causing a huge explosion. Upon inspection, such as the cable breaking earlier, destroying the machinery in the house has frozen time, stopping the assault. The two protagonists stumble out of the frozen gunfight, as a strange light shines on them from the night sky. A strange figure floats above them, with geometric shapes orbiting around it. This figure scolds them for breaking the machine, telling them that leaving their roles in their respective stories leaves them with no purpose, as they have no identity and don't even know their own names. However, Ever proves that he knows the name of the creature, surprising everyone else. Realizing the situation is not salvageable , the figure leaves into the sky, leaving them stranded without a proper ending to their tale. Left without a proper ending and no purpose, the two protagonists head further into the border of the city as dawn breaks. They see that the city is rebuilding itself, setting up a new cycle of stories. The immortal man asks Ever what is their purpose now, when not chained to a script. Contemplating their newfound freedom, Ever questions if they ever needed one.

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