After climbing Broad Peak mountain, Maciej Berbeka learns his journey to the summit is incomplete. 25 years later, he sets out to finish what he started.
Maciej Berbeka makes the first winter ascent of Broad Peak in 1988, escaping death by inches. Andrzej Zawada, the expedition leader, announces a great success. Once they return to Poland, it turns out Maciej reached "only" the Rocky Summit, which is twenty-three meters lower than the actual peak located one hour away. Resentful of his friends' lies, Berbeka withdraws from mountaineering. Twenty-four years later, he takes a call from Krzysztof Wielicki, who also participated in the first expedition. "We have to finish what we started," says Krzysztof as he persuades Maciej to join the next Broad Peak expedition. After a long hesitation, Maciej decides to try once again.—ron_whisky
Respected Eight Thousander Maciej Berbeka (Ireneusz Czop) led numerous summits and offered guidance as a leader. He struggled to let go of one summit, the Karakorum (K2). This narrative emphasizes the passion that a mountain climber experiences when he confronts the mountain and sees deep into its soul, causing him to doubt everything he believes to be true.
Alek Lwow (Piotr Glowacki), a fellow climber, challenged Berbeka in March 1988 if they could both successfully reach the top on their own. It was not always safe because the mountain unleashed severe weather and cold as the altitude rose. Going on an excursion in a group is always preferable for a team of climbers. Life is constantly in danger when there are two persons present. Some places are especially friendly toward death. There is a greater likelihood of success if the sky is clear and all that can be seen is the sun. Some climbers are fortunate, while others are not. That is how mountains naturally are. From the glacier base, the peak presents a 3 Kms vertical climb. After 2 months Maciej had barely reached the halfway mark, so Alek changed the target to the neighboring broad peak. The winds on broad peak are not as brutal as on K2.
Alek and Berbeka plan to leave their team behind as they attack Broad Peak. The team believes that this will kill their K2 expedition and will only mean individual glory for Alex and Berbeka.As they started their ascent from camp 1, they continued to communicate with the base camp at the Baltoro Glacier by radio. A storm is building as they start. As they near the Death Zone, which is very close to the ultimate top, Alek starts questioning if they should continue as the weather is turning and no linger in their favor. Although their leader had doubts about the decision, they both had faith in their abilities.
Alek advises them not to take a chance. Berbeka believes moving is better. Alek turns on the radio and tells his leader Andrzej Zawada (Tomasz Sapryk) that continuing is not a good idea. Berbeka decides to leave Alek behind and sends the radio to the leader when they order them to return.To the second-to-last summit, Berbeka starts to climb to Rocky Summit. It gives him a feeling of control over the mountain and combined with the intense wind blowing over his head, he feels as though he has reached his goal and reached the peak. He triumphed over Broad Peak. On the radio, he admits to doing it to the leader. He finally completed it.
When Berbeka peaks at 5:30 pm, he needs to begin his descent. The weather becomes brutal, and the winds almost throw him off. At 8:30 pm, he finally begins to hack at the snow to create a hole and pushes himself inside a hole with his backpack. He waits patiently until the weather goes quiet. It is hours before it finally does so. The radio remains alive for communication and keeps checking to see if he is alive. Blind in the wind and the dark, he waits it out.
At 8 am the next morning, he is still in the same spot. Barely able to get out or see anything. Base Camp tells him it's been too long, and he needs to begin his descent, but he decides not to. This puts him in grave danger. When he finally begins his descent, it is almost 24 hours later, and he cannot feel his legs. His situation is incredibly dire.
After thumping his chest and hitting his body to wake up, his peripheral Neuropathy has completely frozen. Not able to stand or move, he pulls himself out of the crevice he dug for himself. He begins his descent. He is taken straight to the hospital. His leader has informed him that two climbers are coming up to meet him and collect him. At 11:00 pm, two fellow climbers meet him and pull him into a tent and try and revive his body. They warm some water and provide heat by rubbing his feet that are frost-bitten. They begin their descent shortly after, and at 2 pm the next day, the helicopter finds them.
There is a great receiving of him at the airport, and his wife Ewa Berbeka (Maja Ostaszewska) gives him the biggest hug. He is finally home with his wife and children, and his heart cannot feel better. A medal is pinned on his chest to mark his victory and courage. He knows he's done it. But a particular article in a published zine for climbers by his fellow climber Aleksander Lwow. It is finally revealed.
He never made the summit. He was 17 meters away from Broad Peak (he only made the rocky summit or the fore-summit, but broad peak remained unconquered). But they (including expedition leader Andrzej Zawada) wanted him to come back to them. Everyone knew. No one could tell him because he had to come back alive. He vowed never to do it again without a team. This was a nightmare he was not going to let go of so easily. He decides now it is all about his family, and he does exactly that.
Berbeka takes the opportunity he has to take in his wife and kids' presence. They are everything to him; therefore, he stays involved in their lives and watches them grow up. He is now a man of the moment. He admits that, with the mountain looming in his nightmares, he prefers to stay with his family and savor every second. Years pass after learning that he was unsuccessful in reaching the pinnacle, but he concedes that he will be whomever he chooses to be at this very moment. Even though it is hard, and he feels completely left out of the environment around him, he breathes clean air, and he is grateful.
One day, at a petrol pump, Berbeka gets a call. 25 years later. Kyrzsiek Wielicki (Lukasz Simlat) is calling him to tell him it's time to embrace the Karakorum again. This time, it's a younger team, and they will provide guidance. After lingering thoughts and unsure feelings, he finally embraces the idea that he wants this. He can't completely let go of what is left behind on the mountain. He knows he has something to return to. Every night he tosses around wondering what the next move is. But he finally tells his wife he will do it.
Termed the Leader of Winter expeditions and the best guide for High-Altitude climbing, things come together this time with technology and better muscle to accompany them. Standing tall with the title of being part of the Polish Alpinism Sport, he embraces another journey to conquer the Karakorum the right way this time.
Berbeka and his friend move up the mountain with three other young climbers. They face some tough bits, but it is not as harsh as it was years ago. To some level of success, they move up close to Rocky Summit. Things begin to get a little scary as the leader from base camp checks to see if all is in place. They decide to move up but are delayed by three hours. The weather is close to worsening, but Berbeka must make the summit. When he finally does, it is 6 pm. On March 6th, 2013, Marciej Berbeka made the summit and conquered Karakoram.
Triumphant, at this moment, now begins the descent. Suddenly, something changes. The leader of the camp keeps asking on the radio where he is. With radio silence for over 24 hours and Maciej Berbeka and Tomasz Kowalski's (Maciej Raniszewski) last known location unknown, they were suddenly missing because they never reached Camp 4. On March 7th, the head of the expedition Krzysztof Wielicki, said there are "no chances at all" of finding alive 58-year-old Maciej Berbeka and 27-year-old Tomasz Kowalski. He never returned home. The next day, both climbers were declared dead, and the expedition was called to a close. His soul was finally one with the Karakorum.
Sometimes it is challenging to understand how a mountain climber could be so courageous as to believe that the mountain would spare a measly human, and some have come back to tell us how it can be done. On the same account, contrarily, we have seen the ability of Nirmal Purja to climb Mount Everest six times, and the other 13 summits have one wondering what the man consumes or drinks to enable him to perform such seemingly impossible feats.The film provides a heartfelt account of what a high-altitude mountain climber's trek to the top of a mountain is like, albeit Berbeka's accomplishment is nowhere like Purja's.