A whiny news reporter is given the chance to step into God's shoes.
Bruce Nolan, a television reporter in Buffalo, NY, is discontented with almost everything in life despite his popularity and the love of his girlfriend Grace. At the end of the worst day of his life, Bruce angrily ridicules and rages against God and God responds. God appears in human form and, endowing Bruce with divine powers, challenges Bruce to take on the big job to see if he can do it any better.—Cezzie
Bruce Nolan doesn't think the world is treating him fairly. He is a news reporter who keeps getting the worst stories he could ever get, and life just doesn't seem to go right for him. The one person he blames the most is God. But when God responds, Bruce finds himself taking on God's responsibilities. Now his chance to make life perfect has appeared, but as he enjoys his new found powers, he starts to mistreat the things that matters the most.—FilmFanUK
Bruce Nolan hates his life, but after complaining to God, it is about to get a whole lot better. Endowed with all of God's powers, Bruce sets out to fulfill his every fantasy. Before long, Bruce has achieved complete satisfaction in both his work and sex lives, but before long, Bruce's home life starts to suffer.—DragoTime
Fed up with being confined to corny stories, the small-time New York television reporter, Bruce Nolan, dreams of becoming the station's news anchorman, only to lose that job to his self-centred rival, Evan Baxter. Extremely disappointed and hacked off with his miserable life, Bruce rails at the Almighty, so much that God announces it's high time he took a holiday--leaving mortal Bruce in charge--going as far as to encourage him to spend an entire week in His shoes. Now--as the obnoxiously omnipotent Bruce puts his unfathomable powers to the test, becoming an overnight sensation--suddenly, he comes to realise that power and responsibility go hand in hand. Will Bruce stop playing God and consider the grave consequences of his actions?—Nick Riganas
Bruce Nolan (Jim Carrey) is a reporter who covers fluff stories for TV news in Buffalo, New York. The story opens with Bruce in a bakery, spidery hairnet yanked over his forehead, diligently reporting on the largest cookie ever baked in Buffalo.Racing back to the station, Bruce gets caught in traffic and vents his frustration about the fact that his life is in a go-nowhere rut. Arriving late to an important meeting, fellow staffers--including nemesis, Evan Baxter (Steve Carrell) needle Bruce mercilessly about his clownish coverage at the bakery. Bruce has a lively, but dark, sense of humor. After the meeting, Bruce begs his boss, Jack Baylor (Philip Baker Hall), to consider him for the open anchor position.Bruce lives with his live-in girlfriend, Grace Connelly (Jennifer Aniston). The next day Bruce is sent to cover a story at Niagara Falls & finds that Evans got the open anchor position. He has a serious meltdown in front of the camera & gets fired.
Increasingly furious, Bruce goes for a drive, shaking the prayer beads and cursing heaven. It's raining hard as he gets out of the car, lost in the turmoil of his feelings, continuing to berate God, crossing the highway, without regard for oncoming traffic, to toss the prayer beads as far out into the lake as he can.
Back at the apartment next morning, Bruce's beeper starts to go off repeatedly with a high-pitched shriek. He doesn't recognize the number and finally gets so annoyed that he tosses the beeper out into the street, where it gets run over by a car. But it's still keeps beeping. Aggravated beyond words, and unable to stop the beeper from going off, Bruce calls the number and listens to a tape recording of someone who apparently knows everything that's going on in his life. Intrigued, he drives to the address he got over the phone. He enters a warehouse to find that the ground floor is empty except for an African American janitor (Morgan Freeman) mopping the floor.
Bruce asks for directions to room seven on the seventh floor, finding much to his annoyance that the elevator doesn't work. As he heads for the stairs, the janitor asks him to help mop the floor, and Bruce retorts that he would be happy to help in seven days at seven o'clock.
Arriving on the seventh floor, Bruce finds himself in a huge, empty room that's painted stark white. As he calls out for help, the janitor climbs down a ladder through a hole in the ceiling connected to a brightly lighted room above. Bruce thinks the janitor must have taken the elevator to get there ahead of him, and watches while he strips off his coveralls and sits down behind a white desk impeccably dressed in a white suit and tie, disclosing--much to Bruce's amusement--that he is, in fact, God.
God proceeds to prove his powers by showing Bruce a file cabinet that contains everything that ever happened in his life. The drawer is so long that it pushes Bruce all the way across the room, then slams shut again dragging Bruce along behind.God has a plan for Bruce. Since Bruce thinks God isn't doing a very good job, he will give Bruce all his powers and see if Bruce can do any better. God retreats to his ladder, clapping for the lights to go back on so he can climb back up.
Outside in the street, Bruce finds that he can walk across the puddle that tripped him up earlier. His car won't start until he bangs his hands on the steering wheel and yells, "Start!" As he drives, he realizes that all his fantasies--such as for example being Clint Eastwood---easily come true.Bruce stops at a diner to order coffee and the waitress convinces him to add an order of tomato soup. He agrees, then decides to try out parting the Red Sea with his bowl tomato soup. The soup parts in two, Bruce's hair flying back, scaring another customer and the waitress out of their wits.Now Bruce is convinced he is God. First and foremost, he evens the score with some criminal types who harassed him in the street right after he got fired. Next, he conjures up a new car and a new outfit for himself. A sexy woman walks past, and he makes her dress fly up so he can see her underwear.
Back at the apartment, Bruce comes in with a bouquet of strange flowers--a cross between tulips and daisies--for Grace. He apologizes and starts making love to her, pulling the moon down closer while waiting for her to get ready. Bruce uses all his powers to make their lovemaking as sensational as possible. The next morning, Grace discovers that her breasts have grown larger.Bruce's plan includes finding the long missing body of Jimmy Hoffa. When he reports back to the station everyone applauds and Bruce is hired back to his old job of reporting on fluff stories that all somehow turn out to be late breaking news. On Evan's first night as anchor, Bruce uses his special powers to endow him with a humiliating stutter.
Bruce becomes increasingly enchanted with his new powers and ability to do anything he wants to make his life better. He tries to be good to Grace who thinks that he's on the verge of a marriage proposal. They go out for dinner at the restaurant where they first met, and he gets down on his knees in a romantic way, not for a marriage proposal, but to brag that he finally got anchor!
Grace is confused and hurt. Bruce starts hearing voices in the background. God appears and informs Bruce that he's hearing the sound of people praying. Bruce uses a computer program that downloads everybody's prayers like email. He tries to go through all the prayers one at a time but finds it an impossible task. Giving up, he hits a key and yells, "Yes to all!" Unfortunately, this means that everybody who was praying to win the lottery wins all at once, so each winner only gets $17, and chaos ensues. Bruce's self-centered and incompetent attempts at playing God are beginning to wreak havoc all over the globe.
Bruce roams the city in despair, and suddenly finds himself up on top of Mt. Everest with God, thinking that he might be in heaven. They talk and God shows Bruce that he has only been using his power in selfish ways and this is destroying everything, including Bruce's relationship with Grace. If Bruce wants a miracle, he's going to have to "be the miracle," giving voice to main theme of the film.
The network holds a party to celebrate Bruce's promotion to anchor. By now, Grace is completely alienated and refuses to attend. Using his powers, Bruce finds a way to persuade her, but she arrives to find Bruce not quite resisting a sexy co-worker who's trying to seduce him. This is the last straw for Grace, and she breaks off the relationship.
Bruce arrives back at his lonely apartment, finally realizing that he's going to have to start using his special powers to help people in need. He can't use special powers to housebreak his dog, he has to use intelligence, patience, and ingenuity. He still tries to use his special powers to try to get Grace back, but it doesn't work since he's breaking one of the rules God gave him, that he can't use his powers to "mess with free will." When he complains about his, God replies, "Welcome to my world."
Bruce races back to the warehouse where he first met God and finds him mopping the floor. Coincidentally, it's seven o'clock on the seventh day since they first met, so God hands Bruce a mop and says, "Right on time." They mop the floor together and Bruce finally understands what he has to do to fix the mess he has made.Bruce makes amends to Evan, ensures that he is reassigned to anchor, and goes back to covering human interest fluff stories. He even finishes the photo album that Grace started to commemorate the highlights of their relationship. When Grace's sister (Lisa Ann Walter) comes to pick up Grace's stuff, and sees that Bruce has finished the album, she takes pity on him and tells him that Grace prays for him all the time.
Bruce races to his computer and downloads Grace's prayers. A new one comes in and he realizes she's praying for him right then. He watches her cry and, seeing her desperate unhappiness, feels utterly forlorn and helpless. Wandering around the city in a state of emotional anguish, much like the night he got fired, he kneels in the middle of the road to pray and is smacked head on by an oncoming truck.
Bruce suddenly finds himself up in the clouds face-to-face with God in heaven. They have a conversation during which God teaches Bruce how to pray. When Bruce gets the hang of it, God presses his fingers against Bruce's chest and there's a huge crashing buzz that Bruce finds very painful. Next, Bruce awakens to glaring lights in the middle of the road with an EMT Defibrillating him.
Next, we find Bruce in a hospital bed looking pretty bashed up. Grace comes and climbs in the bed, full of compassion and forgiveness. After his discharge, still in a cast, he returns to the bakery where we found him at the beginning of the film. The bakers display a huge cookie in the shape of a hypodermic needle to promote the Red Cross blood drive and a huge crowd has gathered to donate. Bruce announces that he and Grace are engaged.