A young man gets the computer AND girl of his dreams, rolled in one: a sweet biomechanical android who needs regular copulation to keep operating.
When a 21 year old computer geek, Akira finally saves enough money to buy a computer, a model 9821, he rushes to the store to find it sold out in five minutes! On his way home, a man tries to sell him the same PC he just tried to buy... or does he? He finds it isn't quite a personal computer. Instead of a 9821, the man on the street sold him a model 2198. In a nutshell, the 2198 model is a new super advanced "bio-type" girl shaped computer named Mimi. She needs constant memory upgrades, which come in the form of Akira's "active molecules," out of his "installer." Yup, life is good, considering Akira's new computer follows him to school, all the while being attacked by other bio-type computers. Oh well, better start on more of those memory upgrades Akira!—Thom
Akira Takaoka has been saving money for the past three years to buy his own computer. As soon as the latest computer model, a 9821 PC, is on sale, he rushes to the store to buy it... only to arrive too late, with all the 9821s sold out. On his way home, he meets a shady vendor in an alley who offers him a 9821 and he delightedly makes the purchase and goes home. To his surprise, he finds he got a 2198 computer model: a super-advanced biomechanical robot. What's more, it's in the form of a pretty young girl named Mimi who falls in love with Akira and will fulfill his every wish and command. There's just one soon-to-be-frustrating issue, however: to keep operating, she needs a sample of his semen which will maintain her memory circuits. Thus begins a beautiful if strange relationship.—Q Leo Rahman