Fugitive recovery agents Tom Desjadon and his partner, KD Williams, are in too deep. The gangsters of Boston's underground have been wronged and two ballsy bounty hunters choose a life of duplicity and terror to avoid paying the price.
Fugitive recovery agents Tom Desjadon and his partner, KDWilliams, are in too deep. The gangsters of Boston's undergroundhave been wronged and two ballsy bounty hunters choose a life ofduplicity and terror to avoid paying the price. Only now doesWilliams realize his partner's reckless disposition is a threatto his daughter, but it may already be too late. The drug lordthey stole nearly $1M from, Paulo Santana, is known to brutallyhunt men down for lesser offenses. Santana has spent his recentyears fraternizing with infamous torture experts and independentbounty hunters, anticipating this sort of betrayal. However,both Desjadon and Santana fail to realize that their doubleagent, Cameron Spencer, has her own agenda. Witnessing TomDesjadon become a shadow of the honorable man he once was, KDwrestles with the instinct to leave his best friend and partnerto drown in his own mess. As Cameron's toxic influence deformshim from the inside out, Tom gradually devolves from reliableprotector to master-manipulator. Tom becomes a fugitiveattempting to solve his problems with murder as Cameron rises topower. Tom's taken his family and home for granted and it'll betoo late before he realizes he can't go home.