Eight thousand moons ago the Dark Lord Saurnimort (the "T" is silent, you petulant pissants!) found himself cast upon the magical plane of Musilasia - a land where all beings great and small are compelled to burst into spontaneous song and dance - whether they want to or not. After several failed attempts to return to his home plane, Camorhog, Saurnimort had no choice but to resign himself to a life in the eternally and infuriatingly cheery land of Musilasia - but he doesn't have to like it. Thwarted at every step by his arch nemesis, The White Wizard Merdalfdore (also known as The Sleep Walker, due to his narcoleptic tendencies), Saurnimort attempts to contrive a spell that will rid Musilasia of its melodious blight. His latest scheme requires the still-beating heart of a fairy, and Saurnimort has set his eyes on Absidy, daughter of The Fairy Queen - but with this feisty fairy, the Dark Lord may have bitten off more than he can chew. With an eclectic supporting ensemble of fantasy characters - including Larry the Minion, Captain Awesome, Professor Bumblebee, and The White Witch Neandrathill - Dark Lord: The Musical promises to be an entertaining and epic musical send-up of the fantasy genre.—Michael Daniel