When he double-crosses a drug kingpin, Darkman must free himself of his remote-control clutches.
Darkman, needing money to continue his experiments on synthetic skin, steals a crate of cash from drug lord Peter Rooker, attracting the gangster's attention. Rooker is determined to find the source of Darkman's super strength, and uses his beautiful but evil doctor to lure Darkman into a trap. Thinking that the doctor will restore feeling to his tortured body, he discovers too late that they have taken a sample of his adrenaline, which they will market as a super steroid. As Darkman plans his revenge on Rooker's gang, he slowly begins to care about Rooker's neglected wife and daughter. He must now find a way to help them, and destroy Rooker before he uses the adrenaline to plunge the city into chaos.—Jordan Williams
Peyton Westlake (Arnold Vosloo) is still searching for the key to creating a permanent liquid-skin formula to repair his burned face and hands. After Westlake stops a criminal exchange spearheaded by corrupt businessman and crime boss Peter Rooker (Jeff Fahey), he is approached by Dr. Bridget Thorne (Darlanne Fluegel). Thorne, one of the physicians who saved Westlake's life following his brutal attack at the hands of the late Robert G. Durant (in the previous film), claims that she wants to help Westlake discover the key to his liquid skin, and also repair his nervous system, allowing him to regain some of his sensory loss. Using a laboratory Thorn has set up in an abandoned industrial complex, Westlake is finally able to devise a small amount of permanent liquid skin, which does not break down in sunlight as his other samples have.
After, Thorne suddenly reveals she is actually Rooker's mistress. Rooker arrives and explains that he desires the super-human strength that Westlake has at his disposal. Rooker and Thorne plan to use Westlake as a guinea pig to unlock the secrets behind his strength. Westlake is captured and his liquid skin sample and research are taken. Westlake has an electrical shock device implanted in his body and is put through a series of tests. Eventually, he manages to remove the device and escape Rooker's grasp.
Westlake, trying to learn more about Rooker, encounters his wife Angela (Roxann Dawson) and her young daughter, Jenny. At first concerned, he eventually develops feelings for the two. He decides to protect them, and later uses his liquid skin to pose as Rooker and spend time with them, including seeing Jenny perform in her school's production of Beauty and the Beast.
Rooker is able to use his experiments on Westlake to create a super-strength formula. He gives it to a gang of his thugs, and orders them to assassinate an idealistic District Attorney at a public gathering. Westlake arrives and is able to stop the assassination attempt. After, Rooker murders Thorne, and kidnaps his own family. He takes them back to Thorne's laboratory and holds them hostage, injecting himself with the super-strength formula. Westlake arrives and engages in a prolonged battle with Rooker. He reclaims the sample of permanent liquid skin during the fight, but his research disk is destroyed by Rooker. Westlake is finally able to gain the upper hand and tricks Rooker into falling into an industrial shredder, killing him.
The laboratory suddenly begins to explode when a natural gas line ruptures. Westlake is able to save Angela and Jenny from the blast, but Jenny's face is terribly burned. Westlake decides to use the liquid skin to repair Jenny's face rather than his own. After Angela thanks Westlake for saving her daughter, he vows to start his research again, while continuing to fight crime as his alter-ego Darkman.