Three people face the craziest experience of their lives after waking up in a strange forest named Eden.
The plot begins with Deborah, waking up in a strange forest to which she has no recognition of, she is shown screaming, "is someone there?", to see if anyone else is with her but no answers come back. She is then alerted by some noises in the bushes and begins to run after she sees a masked man with a shotgun. She then finds Paolo, who is in the same forest as her. They then run some more until they find a dead body with a map that has a trail and the name Eden. They then find an open road, to which they then find a car and then the first episode ends. We then meet in the second episode, Renato Gianmarco, who is stuck in the same forest but in what seems like to be a different part of it, he is also here with a girl named Martha. They are shown wandering around the forest until they then find a tablet with a timer and the word: "End round", indicating that there is some kind of game in the forest. They then meet the masked man once again, but Gianmarco realizes that his sister Gloria is in the forest too, he tries to alert her by staying still but she unfortunately dies. Broken by the event, Gianmarco ponders and tries to find a sense of what is happening.
All of this is done to show who the characters are, where they are, what is happening and the danger they are facing, as the second episode ends with what is a series introduction with credits of who is in and who made the series. The third episode sees Deborah and Paolo in a bearded man's car, they ask him what this place is supposed to be but even he doesn't know, with him only saying that it is a new definition of hell. They then meet at his tent and try to understand who he is, he tells them that he was a hunter, not just a hunter, an expert hunter that won multiple prizes until he had to quit his job after killing a mama bear with kids, due to thinking that she was gonna kill him. Gianmarco will then later come in the scene and the soon to be team is together.
In this exact part, they also try to think of how they can stop the masked man from killing them, Gianmarco tells them about the timer that he found and start thinking that the hunter has a timer on his brain that when it stops, will make him stop and the player can run freely, ( or in this case, kill him ). to make sure the plan works, they decide to play a game of hide and seek with the hunter and when the time comes, they will attack him. Soon enough, Hunter grabs the masked man and Gianmarco grabs the masked man's shotgun to kill him. However, Deborah realizes that the game has a catch: "If you kill the hunter, you become the hunter", she says. The good hunter kills the bad hunter and then hell goes loose and they realize that the game cannot end, as everyone will soon be forced to kill everyone instead of avoiding to be killed, ( due to them transforming into the hunter ), to apologize to them, he decides to shoot himself. Everyone is very soon heartbroken by this situation, leading to a sad scene with the trio realizing that this is a sick and crazy game.
That will also be closure of act 1, as the series will now change it's location and move to another part of the forest. They will also soon realize that the game has changed it's rules and that they have now have to find 100 keys before the time runs out, however, this will prove to be difficult, as the trio did not find any keys up until this point and they start realizing that they will have enemies alongside them that will start stealing keys to other players, so that they can win. The team will not find any keys in this episode but they will find them in episode 6. The trio manages to find multiple keys without too much trouble and they joyfully cheer up at the fact that they may possibly win and escape.
They then find a beach that contains a strange door that will require the collected keys to open it, however, the key has to be specifically correct, ( meaning that a key needs to be exactly how it is meant to be, otherwise it won't open ). Renato and Paolo search for other keys and Deborah stays in the beach, however, this will lead her to being kidnapped. Nothing will happen to her but the trio will get their keys stolen. They angrily search for more until they find two people who have also had their keys stolen. All hope seems lost, but, Paolo was smart enough to hide keys from the thieves, meaning that they had, again, a chance to the door. They go back to the beach and find the two thieves trying to open the door, they both fail and die.
This will also lead to the group thinking if these keys actually mean anything, thinking that the keys will be incorrect on whichever one you try, in an act of courage, the couple decides to try the door on their own will, but Deborah didn't want them to do this as the love they had was too valuable for the sacrifice, this will in fact lead them to dying. Now the trio is in shambles and desperate once again. But Paolo has realized that the keys are actually incorrect on their own, due to them being similar in every aspect, realizing that the door is also incorrect and the right door is somewhere hidden. The trio then finds it inside the sand and use the key on the lock and it leads them to the next part of this game.
Act 3 begins in a bunker full of graffiti, dark corridors and a 100% accurate human scanner, they then find what seems like a storage full of utensils and find a man named Andrea, ( interpreted by Ivan Gobbo ). They also find food and two more people named Mattia and Isabella. The next few minutes of the episode are full of arguments and trying to understand the bunker until the robotic voice tells them that a new game has started. The ninth episode begins with everyone seeing how much they weigh after eating the food given to them, everyone is shown doing it except Andrea, leading to his death. Everyone then starts to go insane again until the voice tells them that to open the door with a red light, they will need a key found in the corridor, hoping someone collected it. Paolo is said to be the only one that saw the key but didn't grab it and with no way to go back in the corridor, they are stuck in the bunker. Few minutes pass until Deborah finds a tablet with a button that reads: "Return to the forest". This button is said to be a button that restarts you from scratch, the group has a feeling that the only way to grab the key is to go back to the forest but they are too suspicious to do it. The only ones that do it are Mattia and Isabella, who are then presumed to be dead. The trio finds the key on Andrea's body and they open the door to the next level.
The next level is a card game in which the trio is meant to find three apples but to find these apples they will need to find clues that lead them to the apples, after multiple minutes of struggling Gianmarco finds his apple on a flower pot and Paolo on a tree but Deborah is the only one that doesn't find any, leading to her death inside a pool, which is also a clue hidden inside four cards, leading the apple to be inside the pool. Paolo is distraught by the event and cries about it, all of it ends when they see a shining bright light that makes them unconscious and wake up in what is the last part of Eden. Paolo and Gianmarco are told to eat the apple given to them to make sure that they stay inside it forever and live in peace, ( they try to convince this to them when Gianmarco's sister Gloria is alive again and Paolo's wife is alive again ). However, they all refuse to live in a lie and decide to not eat the apple, leading them to death.
The ending of this series reveals that Eden is not actually real but that it is a virtual reality simulation to which the creator tells them that it will be the new way to live in the future, Paolo and Deborah then make some important discussions about the effects of virtual reality on future generations and the series with Debora and Paolo leaving the place, Gianmarco going to take a swim in the pool and the outro of the series.