In the world of Lireo, a thousand years after the Lirean War, Queen Mine-a senses danger is around the corner. Her daughters Pirena, Amihan, Alena, and Danaya are chosen as successors to guard the gems.
Our story unfolds in Lireo, a thousand years after the Lirean War. Queen Mine-a senses that danger is around the corner and has elected her daughters Pirena, Amihan, Alena, and Danaya as her successors to guard the gems. The queen has been called to the world of the dead but before she leaves she needs to make sure she'll be leaving Lireo in good hands. She sets a bunch of tests to see which daughter is most capable and decides that Amihan will be the next queen. In a fit of jealousy, Pirena steals the fire gem and sides with the Hathors, who now have more power than they can handle.