The sixth and final pupil of a dying martial arts teacher is instructed to find the teacher's five former pupils and defeat any evil ones that are among them.
A dying martial arts teacher instructs his sixth and final pupil to check on the activities of his five former pupils, each of whom he had taught a unique and lethal style of kung fu: the Centipede, the Snake, the Scorpion, the Lizard and the Toad (hence the film's title). This pupil, who knows a little of each one of the five styles, must team up with one of the other good pupils to destroy the evil ones, if there are any at all. Greed and treachery ensue as the pupil soon discovers that some of the pupils are indeed evil, but which one can he trust enough to team up with, if any?—Ken McCary <[email protected]>
A martial arts pupil is instructed by his dying teacher to track down the teacher's five former pupils. Each one of them is a master of a unique and lethal style of kung fu and the teacher fears that they might have used their skills for evil purposes. To make things more difficult for the pupil, not only does the teacher not know the identities of the five former pupils (who all wore masks while they were being trained by him), but some of them also do not even know each other.—Joseph B. McGlinchey <[email protected]>
Chang Cheh's super-heroic and Grand Guignol-flavored martial arts thriller proved hugely popular in the U.S., inspiring a U.S. soft drink commercial and even an entire rap music act's world tour. It also spawned a film series featuring more amazing, high-flying, blade-juggling and flesh-stabbing mayhem.—Celestial Pictures
The film begins with a martial arts pupil named Yang Tieh caring for his elderly teacher. The teacher is very ill and the treatments that Yang is giving to him are no longer effective. The teacher knows that his time is up and he is dying. He tells Yang that there is no longer any time to put off what he needs his pupil to do and what he has been preparing him for. He has been instructing Yang in the "Poison Clan" kung fu techniques, but now he is dying. He tells Yang that he has had other pupils besides Yang and is deeply concerned about what they are now doing. Poison Clan kung fu can be used to harm and oppress people for evil purposes. Many of the Clan's members have already done this, thus earning the Clan its bad reputation. The teacher tells Yang that he must tell him more about his previous pupils.
Yang and the teacher descend into a dungeon-like area underneath the main room. Various training tools and structures, all of them now old and dilapidated, sit here, each with a large emblem of a different poisonous or venomous animal on the wall nearby. The teacher says that he had five previous pupils. Number 1 studied the Centipede style, which is known for exceptional speed (he is shown rapidly smashing small plates dropping from the ceiling, most of them before they even hit the floor). Number 2 studied the Snake style, which is known also for speed and for agility (he is shown smashing ceramic pots and moving limbo-style under a rack, smashing rungs out from underneath it). Number 3 studied the Scorpion style, which is known for the stylist's hands moving like scorpion pincers and for powerful kicking techniques (he is shown practicing these kicks and then smashing wooden targets on tall poles). Number 4 studied the Lizard style, which is known also for agility and for nimbleness, enabling the stylist to climb surfaces like a lizard (he is shown running up the walls of the room and snuffing out candles). Number 5 studied the Toad style, which is known for power and resilience and is near-invincible against physical harm (he is shown lying on a bed of spikes, pushing wooden spikes with his bare chest and using forearm smashes to bend sheets of solid metal).
The teacher explains that the pupils always wore masks while they were being trained in their styles and they changed their names after they finished their training. Moreover, they did not all train together at once - Numbers 1 and 2 trained at the same time and they knew each other. Number 3 trained alone afterward and never met any of the other four. Numbers 4 and 5 also trained at the same time, but only after Number 3's training was completed. These two pupils, just like Numbers 1 and 2, also knew each other, but neither of them ever met any of the first three. Number 4, the Lizard, was the oldest of the pupils. All five of them will only use their skills in times of absolute and dire emergencies, making it even harder to find and identify them.
Yang has studied the basics of all five styles but has not specialized in any of them and thus his skills are not enough to defeat the five pupils on his own. The teacher tells him that he must only be an ally with at least one pupil who is not using his skills for evil purposes. Only then can he hope to defeat any of the others who are, if any. He makes Yang promise to locate the five pupils and make sure that they are not using their skills for evil. Any who are doing so must be faced and dealt with accordingly.
The teacher has one lead for Yang to follow. He once had a colleague who used to be a fellow Poison Clan teacher and is now living quietly in a nearby small town under a different name. He also has a lot of money he made from the Poison Clan's activities. The teacher wants Yang to find this colleague and convince him to donate the money to a charity of his choice. The five pupils also know about this money and may try to get it for themselves. The colleague, although skilled in kung fu, would not be a match for them now.
Yang makes his way to the town, keeping both his eyes and his ears open. He sees that a police officer, He Yuan-Xin (his last name is dubbed as Ho in the English-language DVD), is very well-liked among the townspeople. He watches Officer Ho on patrol with his captain, Ma Chow, who seems to be polite and reasonably friendly but more businesslike than Ho.
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Captain Ma is heading home in the evening when he passes by the workplace of an elderly scribe named Mr. Yuen. Yuen is clearly a well-liked and respected man throughout much of the town. Ma checks in on him and makes sure he is all right. Yuen is working a bit late that night, but plans to go home soon.
Upon arriving home, Yuen finds that his entire family is being held hostage by two mysterious men who turn out to be the Snake and the Centipede. They are certain that Yuen is the former Poison Clan teacher who has the money. The Snake and the Centipede become a bit too overzealous in their interrogation of Yuen and they beat him to death. Frustrated by finding out nothing about the money or its location and thoroughly intending to leave no witnesses behind, they slaughter Yuen's entire family, including the women and children, and leave the house empty-handed. As they are leaving, a gambler and the town drunk named Won Fa spots the Snake and the Centipede. He barely manages to hide before they see him, paralyzed with fear.
Some time later, the Scorpion stealthily arrives at the Yuen family's house. We do not see the Scorpion's face, as he is wearing his training mask. He looks over the family members' corpses and notices that Yuen's corpse is holding a single candle in his hands. Taking the candle out of Yuen's hand, he breaks it in half and finds a small piece of parchment inside of it which he secretes into his clothing before leaving.
When the corpses are discovered, the police begin an investigation. The local judge is under pressure to have the case closed and solved quickly due to Yuen's highly respected position in the town. He puts the police under a strict deadline, after which they will all be beaten for each additional day that it takes to solve the case. Ho has a couple of ideas and asks for some leave for official purposes.
Officer Ho discusses the case with his friend. They believe that one of the Clan members may be responsible. Ho is now certain that Yuen was the former Clan teacher who had the money and he was killed for it. Suddenly, Ho hears a slight noise outside the room where he and his friend are talking. He opens a casement, causing Yang to stumble into the room. Yang reveals that he has learned that Won Fa saw the Yuen family's killer.
Won Fa is brought into the police station. A kettle of hot tea is poured over his face in order to make him talk. But then Officer Ho offers him a piece of silver in return for what he saw at the Yuen family's house. Instantly much more talkative, Won Fa says he saw a heavily bearded man come out of Yuen's house. Ho and several of the police know the man as a good friend of Qi Dong (his name is dubbed as Mr. Hung in the English-language DVD), a wealthy aristocrat who is well-connected with local government officials.
Ho is speaking again with his friend who says that he has also seen the bearded man. They are wondering if he is the Centipede, the Snake or the Scorpion. Ho tells his friend that he needs to assist the police with the man's capture. When Ho speaks to the police about the plan, Ma is skeptical. Ho assures his fellow officers that his friend is a first class kung fu expert.
Ho goes to visit Hung the next day, dropping a subtle hint suggesting that Hung is somehow involved with the Poison Clan. Hung's face clearly changes expression, but he pretends not to understand anything.
Meanwhile, Ma and the police are waiting for Hung's bearded friend, Zhang Yiao-Tian (his name is dubbed as just Tian in the English-language DVD). Yang is hiding nearby and watching all of this. The police surround Tian but cannot capture him. Finally, Officer Ho's friend steps out of a door and identifies himself as Liang Shen (his name is dubbed as Li Ho in the English-language DVD) and accuses Tian of the Yuen family's murder. Tian leaps at Li, swinging a sword that he had seized from one of the police officers. Li does not budge and the sword bounces off his naked arm, revealing him to be Clan member Number 5, the Toad. Tian must use his kung fu skills to fight Li, thus revealing that he is Clan member Number 1, the Centipede to both Li and the police. The Centipede and the Toad fight in a well-choreographed kung fu scene. The Toad defeats the Centipede, grappling him so the police can place him in chains and shackles. Ma asks Li to come to court, but Li says it is not necessary.
Yang walks off having learned that the Toad and the Centipede are in the town, but he does not yet know anything about any of the other three.
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Li is placed in the Iron Maiden. Just as it is closed, he regains consciousness and bursts out of the device, his body unmarked and unharmed. He chastises the police for their device, understanding what it is made for, and saying that he does not have a weak spot. The police cannot contain Li. Then Hung emerges from behind a curtain and engages Li in battle, thus revealing that he is Clan member Number 2, the Snake. Li notes the snake design on Hung's wrist bracelets and understands who he is and that he is behind the plot to frame him for the murders. The Snake and the Toad fight in another kung fu scene. The Snake uses his style to probe the Toad's body, trying to find the weak spot. The Toad is starting to get the better of the fight when suddenly two metal darts hit him from behind, sticking in him behind his ears. The darts are shaped like scorpions. The Toad understands that the Scorpion is somewhere in the courtroom, but he cannot determine where. The Snake begins to laugh and hits the Toad hard in the same spots, behind his ears. Li's Toad style is broken and he is now helpless. The police put him in the Iron Maiden again and the judge demands that he confess to the murders. Li simply faints and is rendered unconscious. When he is removed from the Iron Maiden, his body is covered with puncture wounds.
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Officer Ho returns to town. Ma finds him at police headquarters, brooding and angry. He has learned that Tian was acquitted of the Yuen family's murder and Li was convicted. He interrogates Ma about the turn of events and Ma merely says that the case is now closed and Li's crimes have been confirmed. Ho wants to see Li, but Ma says that Li killed himself.
Ho storms off to the tavern, angry, and orders all the patrons to leave. He begins to drink heavily when some of his fellow officers approach him, showing him some money they were given by Hung. They explain that Li was suffocated by an officer named Ling Xuong after his kung fu was broken by a device called the Iron Maiden (Ho's face changes to show that he has heard of the device and understands why it was used). They also reveal how Won Fa and Officer Ling were killed as witnesses and collateral damage - Won Fa was killed with a hook that was shoved down his throat and Officer Ling was killed with a long and sharp needle that punctured his brain. Ho gives them back the bribe money so they can escape town quietly in the evening.
He begins to drink again when he spots Yang watching him. Yang simply smiles and reveals to Officer Ho that he is Clan member Number 4, the Lizard. He gives Officer Ho a Poison Clan password to prove that he is also one of the Clan. They go off to find privacy in order to talk.
Yang explains how he figured out that Officer Ho was the Lizard. He also reveals that, while drinking and gambling with various officers in the police force, he learned that the Toad's style was not broken by the Iron Maiden, but by the Scorpion. They both know that Yuen was the former Poison Clan teacher and was murdered for the money that he had. It was not removed from his home, so Yuen must have had a map showing the place where the money is hidden.
Officer Ho brings Yang to a secret area in town where he trains and keeps his Lizard style technique sharp. Having training in all five styles of the Poison Clan, Yang shares his knowledge of the Centipede's, the Snake's and the Scorpion's styles, devising strategies for himself and Officer Ho to fight against them. They practice and hone these strategies well into the night. Since he is teaming up with the Lizard, Yang's battle strategy will involve using his own Lizard skills.
The next day they head to Hung's mansion to confront and kill both him and Tian. They find Captain Ma waiting for them on the way. Ma wants to help out. He understands what they want to do and believes that Hung and Tian will be tough to beat. Because of his friendship with Ma, Officer Ho agrees. As they start out again, Officer Ho notes that Ma is not wearing his police uniform. Ma states that he has resigned from the force. Officer Ho decides that he will quit as well, pulling off his uniform's hat and shirt and dropping them in the street.
As they arrive, Hung looks closely at Ma and states "I wasn't expecting three." Officer Ho calls Tian out and says that he knows that Tian is the Centipede and Hung is the Snake. The Lizard and Yang begin a huge kung fu fight with the Centipede and the Snake; the fight raging throughout the mansion and revealing Officer Ho's identity as the Lizard to Hung, Tian and Ma (at one point, Ma looks intently at Ho for a moment). During the fight, Tian is hurt and the Lizard and Yang are able to team up against the Snake. Frustrated and clearly on the losing end of the fight, Hung demands to know why Ma is just standing by and watching, saying that he knows who Ma is.
Understanding that his cover is now blown and the jig is up, Ma suddenly lunges into the fight with a kung fu kick that reveals himself to be Clan member Number 3, the Scorpion. In the sudden confusion, Hung turns and tries to run away, but Ma opens two hidden compartments on his belt where he stores his scorpion-shaped darts and hurls a handful of them into Hung's back. He demands to know how long Hung has known about him. Hung answers that he spotted Ma throwing the darts that broke the Toad's kung fu in the court fight. In response, Ma throws another handful of darts that strike Hung in the chest and stomach. Officer Ho is stunned, admitting that he was completely fooled. He understands that Ma, as the Scorpion, was seeking the money for himself and planning to kill all of his fellow Clan members so that they could not go after him and get it for themselves. His demeanor completely changed in an instant, Ma admits to doing all of this and that he has Yuen's money.
Yang and the Lizard then engage the Scorpion in battle. Holding them off but knowing he cannot take them both by himself, the Scorpion calls to a now-recovered Centipede to help him. When an appeal to logic (that Yang was sent by their teacher to hunt them all down and he will kill them both if he is given the chance) fails, the Scorpion bribes him with an offer of letting him have half the money for his help. That gets the Centipede's attention and he rejoins the fight. Splitting up the Scorpion and the Centipede, the Llzard and Yang each fight both of them to the best of their abilities.
Meanwhile, the Snake pulls the scorpion-shaped darts out of his chest and stomach and then pulls himself to his feet, coming up behind the Scorpion, who is starting to get the better of his fight against Yang. The Snake strikes from behind, bursting open the Scorpion's stomach and abdomen. The Scorpion instantly kills the Snake with a high kick over his shoulder that smashes into the Snake's forehead. But the damage to the Scorpion is done. The Lizard and Yang climb a wall, fighting the Scorpion and allowing him to overexert himself to the point that he dies of his wounds and blood loss.
The Centipede tries to find a clue to the money's location on the Scorpion's corpse, but the Lizard and Yang are waiting for him. Putting their strategies against the Centipede style to good use, they kill Tian.
With the fight now over, the Lizard pats down the Scorpion's corpse down and finds the map, which reveals the location where Yuen had hidden the money. A disgusted Yang says that they should kill the corrupt judge as well, but the Lizard says that if they do this, the next judge could be worse than he was and the killing must stop sometime. The best course of action now is to use the map to find the money and then use it as their teacher would have wanted them to do, to try to make up for every one of the Clan's crimes. The film ends with the Lizard and Yang leaving the mansion and the corpses of the Centipede, the Snake and the Scorpion inside it in order to carry out their teacher's final wishes.