Farmers held hostage by the weather often despair, and yet there is resilience to be found in the communities that depend on the damned rain.
Few regions in the state of Maharashtra are famous for the farmer suicide rate they account for everyday. Kisna, a farmer like many others is trying as hard as he can to work hard but so many things, including nature are stacked against him. Kisna's family is trying in their own simple way to please him and avert the inevitable. Kisna's wife is convinced that he is contemplating ending his life and hence ropes in their 6 year old son, albeit against his wish and comprehends him to be with his father all the time and report any irregularities in his behavior. Kisna, meanwhile is unaware that he is being watched as a possible candidate for suicide and proceeds doing only what he knows best, toil hard, get a crop, pray that the rains will be on his side at least this year, sell his product and prepare for the next season.—Everest Entertainment