Two paranormal investigators lock themselves in a haunted house for three nights to solve a century-old mystery, facing real supernatural dangers that threaten their lives as they must work together despite differences.
Two paranormal investigators are unexpectedly thrown together in the hope of solving a 100 year mystery. Locked for three nights in a house with a dark and unsettling past, the two investigators must put their differences to one side and work together. Scepticism and showmanship are soon put to one side when the two investigators realise there is more at stake than just their professional reputation. For once they have stumbled onto the real thing, but this time it's their own lives at stake.—Lorraine Keith
The paranormal investigators Jack Donavan and Jonathan Blazer receive a mysterious invitation card to go to the notorious Richmond Manor, where several murders have happened along 200 years. A mysterious butler tells that his boss has invited them to stay for three nights at the mansion to get rid of the label of haunted house. In return, they would receive fifty thousand dollars each. Jack is a skeptical man that uses technology to find frauds while Jonathan is a medium. What will they find in the Richmond Manor?—Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Shortly after moving into the reportedly haunted Richmond Manor, 13-year-old Sarah Johnston is pulled into her closet by an unseen demon and possessed. The following morning, Sarah murders her parents Mike and Laura before seemingly stabbing herself to death in the back.
Paranormal investigator Jack Donavan and eccentric psychic Jonathan Blazer are separately summoned to the mansion. A mysterious man recounts the house's history of murdered occupants and explains that his anonymous client has arranged a publicity stunt to reassure prospective buyers. For $50,000 each, Jack and Jonathan are to spend three nights locked inside alone under the presumption that they will conclude there are no supernatural spirits haunting the house.
Instances of paranormal activity plague the duo over the course of their investigation. Jack confronts horrifying flashbacks of his dead wife Rebecca slitting her throat in the bathtub while also encountering a vision of Sarah Johnston. Jack believes someone else is in the house with them while Jonathan tries proving that an actual demon has put them in real danger.
Jack searches the basement and finds a strange symbol and Latin writing with the word 'Barnum.' Jonathan confronts a vision of murdered Mike Johnston and has his hand supernaturally slashed.
Jack is tormented by a phone call from his dead wife Rebecca. Jack reveals to Jonathan that his wife was a psychic who claimed she contacted an evil spirit. Jack tried appealing to Rebecca with science and reason, but she was still driven to suicide.
Jonathan's research discovers that most of the manor's murder victims were unknowingly related to the Richmond family. An unprovoked massacre of unknown origin on the property in 1801 scattered the family. In the two centuries since, something has drawn descendants back to the land. Jonathan also finds that Jack's Donavan family is related to the Richmonds.
Jack and Jonathan find an old photograph of the mystery man and discover his name is Barnum. Jack recalls the writing on the basement wall and the two men deduce that Barnum is Richmond's bastard son. Realizing they are facing a demonic entity, Jack and Jonathan conclude that the symbol seen throughout the house is a conduit that the demon uses to move in physical form and draw power.
Jonathan prepares a ritual to close the portal. Jack becomes distracted and the two men end up fighting ghosts of the Johnston family as well as other previous murder victims.
After Jack has a final faceoff with his dead wife in demon form, he regroups with Jonathan to complete the ritual. A portal opens and a demon prepares to emerge before the opening suddenly closes. However, Jonathan realizes Jack became possessed in the process. Jack attacks and Jonathan is forced to stab him.
Jonathan escapes the house. On the lawn, he hears Barnum's demonic voice taunting him. Jonathan raises his shotgun and turns, preparing to shoot.