A photographer and her girlfriend are roommates. She is stuck with small-change shooting jobs and dreams of success. When her roommate decides to get married and leave, she feels hurt and has to learn how to deal with living alone.
In New York City, Susan Weinblatt and Anne Munroe are longtime roommates and friends. Susan is a struggling photographer who wants to get out of the wedding and bar mitzvah racket, those jobs which she primarily gets through her friend, Rabbi Gold, to selling the photographs she wants to take, but she realizes that she has to pay the rent. Anne is an aspiring poet and academic who looks to Susan as her primary guidance. As they move into a new apartment, Anne drops the news that she will not be moving in as she is getting married to her boyfriend, Martin. This news is bittersweet for Susan who is somewhat happy for her friend, but isn't sure if she likes all that Martin now represents to her. Both Susan and Anne will have to make professional and personal adjustments to their new situations, especially in what it means for not having the other as a constant in each their lives. While Anne has a "Martin", Susan has no one currently to replace all that Anne has been in her life. So Susan goes through a series of new professional and personal relationships all in trying to find her way, while the two of them have to decide how and if to maintain their friendship in light of all these changes.—Huggo
Susan Weinblatt (Melanie Mayron) and Anne Munroe (Anita Skinner) are two recent college graduates and best friends who share an apartment in New York City. Susan, an aspiring photographer, takes pictures of her sleeping roommate in the morning light. As she gets ready for work, she listens to Anne, an amateur writer, read her latest poem. At Rabbi Gold's (Eli Wallach) office, Susan photographs a young boy for his bar mitzvah.
While discussing decorations for their new apartment, Anne tells Susan she may be in love with her boyfriend, Martin (Bob Balaban), but later she wonders if perhaps she just likes him a lot. Susan reminds Anne that she does not need a boyfriend to take care of her, but Anne seems less confident.
Sometime later, Anne is at the laundromat when Susan rushes in with news that she just sold three photographs, including the one of Anne sleeping. Susan is exhilarated by the possibility of not having to rely on income from bar mitzvahs and weddings. At the mention of weddings, Anne announces that she and Martin are getting married. Although Susan says it is great, she quickly reveals her true feelings of disappointment.
On the day of Anne's wedding, Susan remains busy behind-the-scenes as the photographer. Now living on her own, Susan paints the apartment that she intended to share with Anne. One evening, she attends a party hosted by her friend Terry (Jean De Baer), who introduces her to Eric (Christopher Guest). Intrigued with his sense of humor, Susan impulsively invites herself to his place. They sleep together, but in the middle of the night, Susan leaves, explaining that she just wants to go home.
At Anne and Martin's apartment, Susan listens patiently while the couple shows slides and artifacts from their honeymoon in Morocco. Later, Susan breaks into tears watching television programs about relationships and dating. After getting a new haircut to boost her confidence, Susan attempts to follow up with a photo editor for a possible job, but is unsuccessful. At the elevator, she runs into her friend Julie (Gina Rogak), a fellow photographer, who mentions that she has too much work and encourages Susan to be more assertive about networking. Julie also shares that she split up with her partner and is enjoying living alone. Before going their separate ways, she tells Susan that she will be in touch if she needs an assistant.
Taking Julie's advice, Susan shows her portfolio to the magazine editor who recently bought three of her photographs, but he is not interested in her latest project. While playing chess with Rabbi Gold, Susan complains that her photographs have been rejected by at least 50 people recently, despite the fact that many of them think she has a "good eye." Rabbi Gold advises her to quit feeling sorry for herself.
Lonely and bored one evening, Susan tries inviting a friend to a movie. She then calls and leaves a humorous message for someone else. When the electricity suddenly goes out because she is too broke to pay the utility bill, she screams in frustration.
Anne suggests to Martin that they invite Susan to the country house for the weekend. Martin agrees, but thinks that Susan does not like him. During the weekend, Martin cooks for the three of them, but as soon as they sit down, he begins sneezing. Playfully, Susan takes a photograph of him. In response, Martin canoodles with Anne, joking that she is a helpless, blond woman. Anne becomes annoyed and leaves the room. When Martin follows her, Susan is left alone at the table. Later that day, Anne seeks Susan's opinion about whether she should go back to school, but Susan appears apathetic. When Anne wonders how it is to live alone, Susan matter-of-factly replies that she likes it.
After photographing a wedding, Susan chats with Rabbi Gold in his office. She speaks to him about her grandparents who were orthodox Jews; as a little girl, she was envious when they spoke to God, and the experience made her want to be a rabbi. He then confesses that he wanted to be an actor growing up. Later that evening, she and Rabbi Gold kiss each other goodnight, and agree to a lunch date.
While hanging out with Susan, Anne notices her good mood and asks about the new romantic interest. Being slightly secretive, Susan describes him as attractive and fiftyish, but feels that it is too early to worry about the fact that he is married. Then, Anne reveals that she is pregnant. Susan wonders how she will manage a baby and school. After Anne leaves, Susan describes her as impetuous to another friend.
When Susan arrives for their lunch date, Rabbi Gold regrets that he must cancel because of a last-minute appointment with his wife and son. As soon as she arrives home, Susan begins decorating, a process that she has neglected since moving into the apartment. She manages to show her portfolio to Mr. Carpel, the purveyor of a distinguished art gallery. Carpel says her work is not the right fit for his business, but he recognizes her talent, and refers her to Beatrice, an emerging gallery owner. That evening, Eric comes to Susan's for dinner.
On another day, Susan informs Julie that she can no longer work as an assistant due to her upcoming gallery show. Julie congratulates Susan, but admits that she is jealous. During a meeting with Beatrice, Susan says she is not particular about the arrangement of the images at the gallery. Beatrice suggests that she stop by on Monday, just in case she wants to make any changes before the opening.
One evening, Anne and Martin wait for Eric and Susan to arrive for dinner. Irritable from the pressures of her first child, writing and marriage, Anne yells at Susan for being late, and they begin to quarrel about who has more free time. Susan admits that she felt "betrayed" after Anne got married, and Anne calls her "selfish." On another evening at Eric's apartment, he questions why Susan will not move in with him to save money, and Susan says that she prefers having her own place. With the upcoming gallery opening, she is anxious about the reaction to her work. Additionally, it bothers her that Eric continues to display the paintings of his ex-girlfriend in his apartment. While making dinner, their bickering continues and Susan walks out.
Later that evening, Julie is staying over and tries to console her. Disheartened, Susan feels that she has ruined her relationship with Eric and her friendship with Anne. Susan realizes that she forgot to stop by the gallery to approve the display and rushes out. While she is out, Anne telephones to wish Susan good luck for the show and apologize for their fight. As the gallery opening begins, Susan complains that Beatrice left out an important photograph. Beatrice replies that it is unprofessional for her to raise the issue now, when was she given the opportunity earlier. Many family and friends are present, but Martin informs Susan that Anne is unable to attend. He appears somewhat confused by his wife's behavior, but relays a message from Anne that she is at the country house and thought Susan might understand.
After the show, Susan drives to the house to surprise Anne. Feeling like a coward, Anne reveals that she was pregnant with her second child and had an abortion that morning, but is afraid to tell Martin. Susan tries to reassure her about the decision. While preparing tequila shots, Susan admits to insecurities in her relationship with Eric. During the evening, the two friends rediscover their connection.