An intelligence operative for a shadowy global peacekeeping agency races to stop a hacker from stealing its most valuable and dangerous weapon.
Rachel Stone is a charter agent cum technician who works along with a team of MI 6 field agents. The mission is to locate the "heart" an AI enabled computer which has the capability of hacking into any software and could cause considerable havoc should it fall into the wrong hands. Keya, a young woman is an Indian computer specialist who is attached to another syndicate. Circumstances bring Rachel and Keya together and they realize that they have a common mission. They then team up to prevent the "heart" from falling in the wrong hands.—Madan Marwah
In the Italian Alps, an MI6 team is tasked with extracting potential asset and arms dealer, Mulvaney. Rachel Stone (Gal Gadot), officially in the tech support team in a van with Bailey (Paul Ready), is called upon to enter the ski lodge casino to be near enough to hack into security's encryption key. Rachel is not a field agent but has to do this as the internet is not working and physically hacking into the phone of the head of security is the only way to gain access.
To maintain her cover while in the casino Stone plays one hand of blackjack, then apparently disappearing. Field agents Parker (Jamie Dornan) and Yang (Jing Lusi) are given access to the restricted gambling area. They find that people are betting on the body count of an actual combat between US Navy seals and some terrorists. Someone has found a way to hack into military grade encryption.Their plan to inject Mulvaney to fake a heart attack is thwarted by his bodyguard. However, Parker is able to isolate and take him on a cable car.Their communications are infiltrated by Keya Dhawan (Alia Bhatt), who reveals that she knew that the MI6 were coming.
Stone and Yang can see that more of Mulvaney's men are converging at the base of the cable car station. There is no way that Parker survives unless MI6 gets there first.Meanwhile, Stone feigns a twisted ankle, so the MI6 goes on without her.
Stone reconnects with Charter, the secret peace-keeping organization, to help the MI6 team incognito. Hoping to prevent Mulvaney's security team from taking out Parker, Jack (Matthias Schweighöfer) guides Stone so she can get ahead of the cable car. Jack helps Stone get a parachute and ski down the mountain ahead of the cable car.Stone takes out the six-man security team, hiding the bodies. However, Mulvaney takes cyanide before they can stop him.
Back in London, the MI6 team are reprimanded for botching the job. Later that night, as the team wind down together, they speculate about the rumored Charter. Charter is rumored to be a group of ex-intelligence operatives who answer only to themselves. Highly trained agents working together to keep peace in the world. Doing things their governments never allowed them to do.MI6 believes that Keya works for Charter. MI6 is worried that someone has hacked military grade encryption and that is their next mission.
Stone goes to Charter headquarters where the head Nomad (Sophie Okonedo) criticizes her actions. Charter has found Keya, who is the hacker who broke the military grade encryption. She was an orphan in Pune, when a Billionaire Niam Kharche discovered her talent and took her under his wing. But then Keya fell in with a bunch of criminals and she is 22 years old now.Keya had set up the casino gambit to lure Mulvaney. Mulvaney was tracking a Quantum Computer called "The Heart" capable for hacking anything, anywhere.
Charter have located Keya in Lisbon. The plan is to leak the location to MI6 and have Stone's MI6 team to pursue her.In Lisbon, the MI6 team are ambushed by several people. Although Stone is given an escape route by Jack, she opts to stay and save her MI6 team. She blows her cover in doing so, only for Parker to kill the other team members. He paralyzes Stone as he says that he's going after "The Heart." Parker says that he and Keya knew that the Charter had infiltrated the MI6 and Parker's mission was to find out who. Parker reveals that Mulvaney told him that "The Heart" is the source of the Charter's powers. Its modeling is so accurate that it can predict the future. If you own the Heart, you own the World. Only a Charter member can reveal where The Heart is located.
Parker injects Rachel with a hacking device. As Rachel is discovered by the Charter recovery team, she is taken to their HQ. Where, using the device inside Rachel, Keya is able to hack into Charter's systems and access The Heart. Rachel regains consciousness, stabs herself to eject the device and destroys it. But the systems were hacked for 3 minutes and 45 seconds.
Jack reveals that The Heart is 85,000 feet up in the atmosphere in a blimp called The Locker. Rachel recommends shutting it down, as they don't know what Keya is capable of.Nomad takes Rachel off the case. She says that had Rachel escaped, like she was told, everyone would still be alive, and The Heart would have been safe.
Charter assigns names to agents like a deck of cards.Nomad, the King of Hearts, meets the other Kings. King of Clubs (BD Wong), King of Diamonds (Glenn Close) and King of Spades (Mark Ivanir).The Kings reveal that Parker was in Chechnya in 2015. He was working for MI6 stopping delivery of weapons to a Chechen warlord. But he was trapped, and his entire team was killed. Charter was monitoring and couldn't allow the weapons into Chechen hands. The Kings ordered a drone strike, that took out the weapons. They thought Parker had died, but he survived.Parker knows it was Charter who ordered the drone strike and is out for revenge.
Rachel works on her own and uses Keya hacks to trace her back. Rachel tracks Keya in West Africa and she is going after The Locker. Keya used her hack to plant a code that will control the Locker and drop it to 40,000 feet. Parker will have 8 minutes to take The Heart, before Charter regains control and takes The Locker back up to 85,000 feet.Charter detects the hack, but there is no agent within 500 miles of the Locker. Rachel had already traveled to Africa was in the air, skydiving her way to The Locker. Meanwhile Keya and Parker used a chopper to get to The Locker and were already inside.
Rachel manages to get on board The Locker. As Rachel attacks Parker, Keya steals The Heart. Parker manages to escape, but Rachel gets hold of Keya and they both plummet to the ground as Parker blows up The Locker. Rachel uses Keya's parachute to land them both safely in the middle of the Senegal desert. Parker has The Heart, but it is useless without Keya as she has put her bio-metrics on it.Rachel refuses to kill Keya, even though Keya knows that's the logical play. Keya says that Niam conducted medical experiments that killed her parents. She wants to use The Heart to expose all Billionaires like Niam.Rachel offers that Charter can take down Niam, without Keya having to destroy the Charter. Rachel puts a tracker on Keya.
They reach a town, where they are shot at by mercenaries paid by Parker's men. Rachel manages to escape, but Keya is captured. Rachel is rescued by another Charter agent called Six of Hearts.Rachel is taken to Iceland, and Rachel informs Nomad, and they plan a strike on Parker. If Parker gets the Heart online, it will finish The Charter.
As Rachel gets to Iceland, Parker plugs in The Heart and Keya activates it. Parker uses The Heart to kill King of Diamonds. They also find King of Hearts and her team in a bunker outside of London. Parker seals off the bunker and shuts off their ventilation system. Keya is distraught since the plan was to expose the Charter and not kill people.King of Clubs also lands in Iceland with a strike team but is being tracker by Parker.
Keya contacts Rachel secretly and reveals that she found her tracker. Parker is using it to lure Clubs and Rachel to a wrong location and trap them. Keya says that Rachel was right about Parker and sends her coordinates.Rachel manages to escape, but King of Clubs and his entire team is destroyed as Parker remote detonates an explosive.Keya locks out Parker from The Heart. Rachel makes her way to Parker's location and has 50 minutes to save Nomad.
Rachel reaches Parker's real location and fights her way in. Keya helps Rachel in the fight against Parker and Rachel manages to shoot Parker down. Keya activates the Heart and opens the bunker, saving the entire Hearts team.Rachel offers Keya to join the Charter.