Common people discover that they have super powers. Their lives intertwine as a devastating event must be prevented.
People all over the U.S and the world start to realize they have special abilities, like telekinesis, healing abilities, flying powers, time travel, invisibility, and the ability to absorb other's abilities. One man, known as Sylar, wants to gain all the power of these "heroes" so he can be the most powerful and evolved human of all, and stops at nothing to gruesomely kill these people. In order to protect themselves from him, these people must help one another before Sylar can destroy them all, while they each deal with problems of their own.—Patrick Ozzy Lauzier
It starts with "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World," but soon spirals into a never ending battle for right and wrong, life and death. As people across the U.S. and the world discover and use their special abilities in this NBC hit series, their world and lives are turned upside down as a serial killer named Sylar tries to hunt them all and make sure no one becomes as powerful as him. But it's not so simple. Sylar isn't in control of his hunger for power. Nobody knows when he will strike, or change, or strengthen. Unpredictable is this new world of heroes. And as time goes by, they each learn what the can do for the world. And it's not always good.—cippy-cp
A group of different people come together after they discover that they all have super abilities. They must team up to protect the world from numerous enemies and threats that could potentially end the world and destroy everyone who lives in it. They have to stop it all before it is too late.—RECB3