This docudrama tells the story from the Irish Penal times up to the Knock Apparition in which Our Lady, St Joseph and St john appeared to 20 witnesses in Knock, Co Mayo.
In 1879 Our Lady, St Joseph and St John appeared to the Irish people in the form of an Apparition. The Apparition appeared in a small Irish village called Knock to 20 witnesses. This docudrama tells the story from the Irish Penal times up to the Knock Apparition. We see first hand what the Irish people went through, during the Penal times, having to say Mass in secret and also the terrible hardships of the Famine period. The worst year of that period was 1847, known as "Black '47". One million people died and a million more emigrated from Ireland causing the island's population to fall by between 20% and 25%. The population even to this day has never recovered. In 1879 it was the beginning of the Land War, a second famine was happening and in the middle of this an Apparition appeared which gave the Irish people hope when they needed it the most.—Campbell Miller