Juliette, a lone survivor of an apocalyptic era, fights to survive against hunger, thirst, a broken leg and strange, disturbing creatures that only come out at nighttime.
In a post-apocalyptic world, Juliet is a scavenger, driving a jeep to look for supplies for thirty-nine survivors that live with her. After a one-day travel, she is returning home when a photo of a man and she flies from the windshield and she tries to hold, but loses control of the car and capsizes. She faints and dreams on the man of the picture named Jack. When she wakes-up, she realizes that she is trapped in the jeep with broken leg compound fracture. Further, she is under siege since there is a creature hunting her down and her fellow mates only will be able to rescue her in the morning. Along the night, she recalls her life before the apocalypse while defending herself from the creature.—Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil