In Country follows the men of Delta 2/5(R) as they recreate, by choice, the battles of the Vietnam War once each year. Disquieting and provocative, the film asks, "what compels these men to bring this controversial war back to life?"
To many of us, the idea of Civil War re-enactment is a familiar concept. But the men of Delta 2/5(R) recreate the battles of a far more charged conflict: The Vietnam War. For one weekend a year, the woods of Oregon transform as a mix of combat enthusiasts, Iraq veterans, and even a former South Vietnamese Army officer, choose to revive a war that a whole generation would much rather forget. Disquieting and provocative, In Country blurs fantasy with trauma, deftly tugging at the imposing question: what compels these men to don the vintage uniforms and meticulously bring this controversial war back to life?