
Who's producing the production? Who's Mister E? He's behind the whole project, but nobody knows who he is. In fact everybody claims to be him! How can anyone be sure?

A radical, new indie studio emerges in the City. Everyone feels the buzz and wants some of the action. But who's floating the production? Who's this Myster Ey? Where's the mastermind in charge of things? He's been spotted by inquiring minds, but nobody can verify his identity. In fact, too many wannabes are claiming to be him. How many scammers are running around in the industry? One thing is for sure, there's going to be trouble on the movie set! In a complex society there are two perspectives... One is the microcosm - the individual looks at the group and what does he see? Is it a reflection of himself in them? The other is the macrocosm, the group looks at the individual and what do they see? Do they all see themselves in him? Do they identify with him? Perhaps a bit too much. Especially concerning the individual known as Mister E. Does the E stand for: eager? evil? energy? example? enigma? Simply put, Mister E is Mister E-go, pure ego. To have the adoration of fans, the hungry public; to be the power, the attraction, the center of attention. As we're about to observe, each and every one of us, would love to be the one and only EGO. Yet there are big problems, when everyone wants to be Mister E, as they tend to cancel out each other - or to get canceled out. Little do they know that, forces are at work to keep the social balance between microcosm and macrocosm. Keeping all the Mister E Egos in check.—'Myster Ey'


  • identity
  • satire comedy
  • ego
  • impersonation
  • satire
  • Thriller
  • Comedy
  • Mystery
  • Drama
  • Biography
Release date Feb 6, 1980
Countries of origin United States
Language English
Filming locations New York City, New York, USA
Production companies Milkyy Media Syndicate Enternet Global Productions Silver Spring Studios

Box office

Tech specs

Runtime 1h 3m
Color Color
Aspect ratio


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