
A pair of sisters journey to the North Pole to prove that a mysterious sleigh bell belongs to one of Santa's reindeer.

It's that time of year, whether proving Santa Claus is real (non-fiction) or make-believe (fiction), in this Christmas movie from Miramax. When the mysterious sleigh bell bonks Royal Penguin Princess Crystal (Hillary Duff), of Royal Rookery Rock, in her noggin, she and her sister, Princess Lucinda, go on the quest to Santa's City in the North Pole, with their hearts. Along with the way, they must become friends, make new friends (like Pup the Seal and the Pirates of the Blubber Belly), face vicious predators (like a Leopard Seal and a Polar Bear), facing Crystal's compass' direction, and visualizing Santa's City in order to return the bell, while they trying to stop the Terribly Deep Thinkers from taking over their royal parents' throne. Featuring delightful characters, a heartwarming story written by Michael Aschner, and the music of Michael Lloyd and Keith Heffer, this celebrates family, friendship, and Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year.—Sean Herbs (LuckyDuck)

When a sleigh bell mysteriously falls from the sky, pure-hearted Princess Crystal is determined to prove it came from one of Santa's reindeer. Together, she and her sister, Princess Lucinda, set off on a daring journey to the North Pole to find Santa Claus. Along the way, the royal duo must work together to outrun hungry, wild beasts, outwit greedy pirates and try to keep three sneaky court penguins from stealing their parents' throne in spite of their rivalry. Celebrates friendship, family and the most wonderful time of the year.—Anonymous


  • 2000s
  • princess
  • sister sister relationship
  • arctic
  • seal the animal
  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • Animation
  • Family
Release date Nov 22, 2004
Motion Picture Rating (MPA) Not Rated
Countries of origin United States Canada Hong Kong
Language English
Production companies Goodtimes Entertainment Colorland Animation Productions Tundra Productions

Box office

Budget $2000000

Tech specs

Runtime 1h 20m
Color Color
Sound mix Stereo
Aspect ratio


This movie spans the length of 4 years (or 16 penguin years) and 2 days, focusing on Princess Crystal, the "future queen", and her sister, Lucinda.

The narrator begins the story, on December 23rd, in the penguin-populated island kingdom just outside Antarctica, in which Christmas is banned kingdom-wide by the elderly penguin group, collectively known as the Terribly Deep Thinkers, consisting of Agonysia, Mortmottimes and Derridommis. Now see here: King Calvin & Queen Penelope has recently been blessed with two perfect eggs, upon their royal penguin nest. By law & decree, the first egg to hatch would inherit the penguin throne. Out comes Crystal, in which The TDTs didn't like her name but the crowd likes it. The second baby hatched, but the crowd didn't like her appearance, of course the King named her Lucinda, who turned many shades of green. The narrator reminds that only first hatch would become the "future queen".

Two years (8 penguin years) has past, and Princess Crystal grew up smart, led with her heart and loves dancing on ice. The narrator called her "Princess Clumsy" to her constant consternation, and mentions that every Hatchday (December 23rd), like this, Crystal preferred ice dance than attending the celebrations. After her failed attempt to maneuver the "Triple Lutz", Crystal schedules the ice-dancing/storytelling slumber party after the party for The Wing Maidens. As Crystal and her friend Eugene, walks to the Palace, she said to him about her being stupid at parties and to "break a wing" in his stage performance.

Philip, the Royal Page, introduces Eugene, "the Fool", to the stage, in which the audience boos at his juggling skills and his jokes. While watching, Crystal was depressed with him while Lucinda & her maids comments about him. When Crystal & Lucinda comes out of the entrance of the Palace, every Penguin in the kingdom gathers in front of it and sing "Happy Hatchday". Lucy knocks Crystal's tiara over her head, sending her tumbling down the stairs and, eventually destroyed the towering cake, which splattered some of the Penguins, including the TDTs. That night, Crystal apologizes to her mother before she go to sleep.

The next day, Christmas Eve, Crystal looks at the document regarding on how to be the "future queen". While Lucy & her maids is playing beach ball on the shore, Crystal sadly rolls up the document and leaves. Lucy wants to be "future queen", because she's a better bird. The TDTs walks toward the shore and talks to them, before heading to the Palace.

In the Palace, the TDTs talk to Calvin & Penelope about yesterday's cake fiasco, and the queen agrees to clear the incident within a week. Then they talked to them about the princesses, while Lucy & her maids is sneaking behind the column. After the talk, the doors of the Palace shut itself. Mortmottimes asks to Agonysia what's they having for lunch, but Agonysia buttons his beak.

Later, Lucinda makes a deal with the TDTs to become Crystal's shadow for a night, in order to watch her doing something, and report everything back... to them, for a greater good of the colony.

It's Christmas night (December 24th-25th), and Crystal & Eugene is taking a hike all the up to the top of Mount Gigantic, while Lucinda becomes Crystal's shadow. Crystal trips on a pebble and falls down. Then, out somewhere in the moonlit sky, a mysterious sleigh bell falls and bonks Crystal on her royal noggin. Cusriously, Crystal picks up the bell, thanks to the sky, and Eugene quickly examines it before they continue hiking. Eugene saves Crystal in a quick peril, sending Lucy out in a snowball. Once they reaches the top, Crystal shows Eugene's soaring suit to "attempt to turn back the clock of evolution itself.", but she said to him that penguins are swimmers as he gives his theory that Mother Nature made them "flightless waterfowl" over the eons by his ancestors. They ducked to the ground as two Nighthawks passes them by. Crystal jumps on Eugene's skis as his attempt fails, sending them downward they go that leads to the discovery of "the human place", with Lucy, in a snowball, behind it. Once there, they, curiosity, discovers the compass, and, by a quick incident, "The Book of Santa Claus".

The next day, Christmas Day, Crystal & Eugene shows "The Book of Santa Claus" to the Wing Maidens, highlighting that Santa is a Jolly Old Elf, in which he delivers presents, including toys that his elves made in a workshop, for the good little girls and boys, and coal, for the naughty children, that the magic walls of Santa's City is visible only to true believers. Lucinda and two of the guards arrest Crystal, Eugene and the Wing Maidens for showing that Santa Claus does exist. In the courtroom, Eugene declared Santa is Non-Fiction and appoints Lucy for the sleigh bell, in which she illegally declared the bell as a Hatchday present to Crystal. Calvin demands Crystal to grab a pardon, but Crystal legally declares "There is a Santa Claus. I know it in my heart." The TDTs fails to declare the Santa is real. By their default, they declared that "Santa Claus is a HUMAN LIE", and appoints Lucinda as a new "future queen". That night, the TDTs lead a mob while singing their group song. Derridommis burns the place down.

In Crystal's room, she told to her parents that the TDTs' knowledge would burn the wonderful scrolls, and asks to Penelope about her believing in Santa. Penelope said to her that things will be better the next morning. Desperately, without any warning and to her parental problems, Crystal leaps out of the Palace unnoticed.

The next morning (December 26th), Eugene warns to Crystal about her quest to the North Pole is cold, cruel world out here and wants to protect her. Crystal demands to him its her quest, and must protect herself from many predators along the way. Eugene gives Crystal the compass and sends her out in the raft into the Atlantic Ocean, thus starting the quest.

In the Cave of Profundity, Derridommis looks at Crystal going away from the island, and demands to the others that she left. Lucinda told the truths, about what happened a couple nights ago, to the TDTs. They actually tricked her, for the greater good of the colony, and she also left the island to bring Crystal back. Suddenly, the leopard seal emerges from the water, and Lucy abruptly joins Crystal in the quest. The leopard seal makes a hole in the raft, and the two lands on a glacier. Shortly, a killer whale separates the glacier sending the princesses stranded. Not long, a seal Pup has been separated from its mother and Crystal rescues him, eventually joining them in a quest. A killer whale emerges from the bottom of the glacier, separates them.

From somewhere in the ocean, cannon balls appear to scare the killer whale away. It's a pirate ship, called the "Blubber Belly" and they captured Crystal, Lucy and Pup into it. Here, they meet Bubkus Bill, the pelican, and Timebomb Tom, the stork, by behalf of the nefarious Capn' Cragg. Crystal said "How nice of them.", but when the Capn' reveals himself, she meant "no offense". He draws the sword to shock them, and answers the questions, via singing his song. They don't know what to do them. Tom suggests a tea party, but Bill prefers putting them to work. Crystal agrees with Bill's suggestion, if they take them to the North Pole. Lucinda commands the Pirates to instantly release themselves.

That night, the pirates throw Crystal and Lucinda, along with Pup, into a room. Meanwhile, Cragg looks at "The Book of Santa Claus" and examines three things, Magic Flying Dust, See-All Looking Glass, and the gates to Santa's City are only visible to the pure of heart. He chuckles as the Pirates' secret plan establishes. Later, Cragg announces that the Princess' request is granted.

The next day, December 27th, the Princesses has chores to do. Pup is cleaning the cannon, Lucy stitches the sails, and Crystal uses brushes as ice skates to clean the poop deck's wooden floor. The pirates' scheme the secret plan to the North Pole to be all filthy rich, that will be better than Tom's suggestion to open the fast-food chain of seafood restaurants with a pirate theme. Spanning almost a year, we show the "Blubber Belly" going up North along in the Atlantic with stops to South America, Africa and North America along the way, all in the Earth-revolving shot.

On the night of December 16th (almost 4 penguin years later), Princess Lucinda asks the question: "How can one man deliver all those toys in all night?". Crystal answers, "Magic Flying Dust". Lucinda notices Crystal's compass that Eugene gave to her, and talks about it. Crystal asks Lucinda "So who do you like?", and Lucinda realizes his friend Philip and talks about him via sharing, before they start laughing.

Meanwhile, back in the island kingdom, the king and queen is depressed about the princesses getting lost somewhere. The TDTs offer to sign the "Lost at Sea" contract in order to become the new heirs of the throne. Agonysia grabs Mortmottimes feather to use as a quail to Penelope, but she weeps. Calvin realizes threat the princesses are still out there somewhere, feeling in his heart. The TDTs will come back the next week, in order to allow the parents to mourn.

One week later on December 23rd (the Princesses just turned 12), the "Blubber Belly" lands on the shores of the North Pole. The Princesses' use the ship's bathtub to get into shore, as the Pirates' will secretly follow them later. Once arrived, Crystal & Lucinda gets into a fraud that started three years ago. With faith, Crystal starts to like Lucy, and eventually they became best friends forever. Pup spots a white fur, just like Santa's beard. Lucy takes a closer look of it, which eventually becomes the polar bear. Lucy starts running away from him. The Polar Bear looks as Lucy as a chicken for food, and starts chasing towards her. Lucy comments to Crystal that there's "a bear in a furry suit" is chasing after her. Lucy gets cornered by the bear, as she commands to not eat her. Crystal throws two snowballs at the bear, as he stares toward her. Crystal runs to the nearby frozen lake, as the bear realizes he has ice dancing skills. Crystal maneuvers the "Triple Lutz" as the Polar Bear breaks the ice & falls into the pond. Lucy calls Crystal a "brave, stupid bird." Crystal, Lucinda and Pup continues the quest.

When the sun is setting in the North Pole, Crystal, Lucinda and Pup arrives at home property in the name of Max Elfman. They meet his owned pig, then they tried the igloo. Crystal comments "you're not fooling anyone" to Max, and she & Lucy notices his regulation elf-wear shoes and his pointy ears. The princesses and Pup chases after him, as Max flies away on his pig using the pig's flying cap.

It's the night of December 23-24, and the princesses is looking for Max & his pig. Pup bumps on the invisible wall, followed by Lucinda. Crystal knocks on the wall, and mentions that the walls of Santa City is only visible to true believers. Crystal asks to Lucy they "must believe" or they're never get inside. They close their eyes and visualize through a poem from the book:

"In a arctic light stands the marvelous sight, a city that glitters and glows. Even the trees when it snows. Inside, you'll find merry little elves, humming to themselves, loading up their selves. And peppermint trees and leaves lining every street. Lolipop flowers, candy-striped towers, and all the sweets you can eat. And the chairman in charge is jolly and large."

Once the poem is recited, the bricks randomly appear, before they actually appear rapidly. The invisible wall reveals via light-wipe. Crystal comments to Lucy that she ''hardly'' done it. The wall disappears for a moment before reappearing when Lucy said "''hardly''". The three celebrates the arrival, as Max comes in through the gate greeting the princesses.

Inside Santa City, the merry elves is excited about the true believers welcoming to the city through the two-horse closed sleigh. At one moment, the sleigh stops for Santa's reindeer crossing with a chant. Once arrived outside the castle, the photographers start taking pictures of the Princesses and Pup. Inside the castle, the city's mayor and chief toy-maker honored with the key to Santa's City. Crystal thanks to him. Mrs. Claus introduces the castle to princesses, and mentions that she saw their journey through the Magic Looking Glass and message to everyone that "Every Elf, Reindeer and Toy knows of your great adventure.", as Max added his forgiveness in the elf section of the sentence. Lastly, they are greeted by Santa himself and advises that the Spirit of Christmas works all year round. Suddenly, outside the city, the pirates' cannonballs destroy the invisible wall & the gates. Santa advises that the Pirates that arrived right in time, and comments that he saw them in Magic Looking Glass.

The Pirates' has already set the explosions as quickly as possible, just as Santa comes in. Cragg wants some gifts, and Santa snaps his fingers to give the treasure chests of gold, silver and multicolored. Cragg holds Santa in order to give the Magic Flying Dust & Magic Looking Glass together. Cragg asks to "carry" the loot, and Santa comments that the "Magic Flying Dust has the unusual effect of the laws of gravity." Cragg proceeds to blast away by Timebomb Tom. Lucinda says "you said 'you wouldn't'.", and Cragg lies and Tom proceeds to "blast away". Crystal stops Tom, just as the exploding device goes down. Instead of explosions, three colorful fireworks, consisting of bows, sweets and toys, explodes in the sky. Santa has his "jolliness is a matter of public record.", and his "mastery of the martial arts, is lesser-known." He then uses his martial arts skills to turn his red suit into a black suit with red Chinese symbols. He then commands the Pirates' to leave his city behind, carrying their loot along. Lucy asks to Santa "But why?", and he has show the princesses something in the office.

In the office within the castle, Santa shows the Princesses his Magic Looking Glass. He first shows Eugene; he misses Crystal. Santa shows more. In their Cave, the TDTs announce that the King & Queen will sign the "Lost at Sea" document tomorrow during daytime, in order to become the new heirs of the throne. The princesses agreed to stop the Thinkers from signing. Just then, Oliver, the elf photographer, arrives in the office to hand Santa the satchel. Santa hands the scrapbook from the satchel for Crystal to look it as the "proof", he places his hat into Lucy's head, and the single serving of his Magic Flying Dust to Crystal. Lucy hands the sleigh bell to Santa, in which the bell was actually belonged to Blitzen. As Crystal asks to Santa how do they get back home, the scene fades before he answers it.

Back in the ship, now stuck on ice, the pirates reveal the things they retrieved were swapped (Magic Flying Dust for sawdust, Magic Looking Glass for breakable glass, and the chests now filled with coal). The Princesses and Pup gets on board by permission. Crystal asks the Pirates for bringing the ship back into the water, and they agreed. Crystal then uses the Magic Flying Dust to spread all over the ship to soar into the sky back to the South Pole.

The next day, Christmas Eve, in the TDTs' CoP Derridommis looks at the "Blubber Belly" landing in the water as the magic flying dust completely wears off through his telescope. The Pirates' greet farewell to the Princesses. Later, they check one of the treasure chests and one of the gold pieces is back, along with the letter from Santa, which says, "Every good deed brings its own reward."

The Princesses arrive back on shore of the island via the ship's bathtub, leaving Pup behind. Suddenly, the TDTs arrive aside from them and chat about the quest and becoming best friends. They invited them to their CoP to celebrate. Once arrived at the cave, the princesses are greeted by their parents inside, but ended up trapped in a birdcage. Agonysia takes Lucy's hat away, and the TDTs will soon declare that the parents' daughters is "Lost at Sea". They melt the proof of Santa Claus, and Mortmottimes rises the birdcage. They leave the cave, carrying the document.

In the palace, watched by the entire the TDTs arrive to sign the document by Calvin & Penelope. Eugene then abruptly interrupts the signing for the few words of remembering Crystal. Back in the cave, Lucy recaps the things they survive over the quest, and Crystal promises that the TDTs won't win. Pup arrives in the cave and the princesses commands him to find Eugene in the palace. Crystal then throws the compass to Pup and he heads off to the palace. Meanwhile, the TDTs stop Eugene's speech as Calvin signs his signatures in the document. Penelope has no choice but sign her signatures. Suddenly, Pup arrives in the Palace and the guards chases after him while looking for Eugene. Eugene & Pup gets cornered by the guards, and realizes that the compass he gave to Crystal as the sign of Crystal's existence. Agonysia comments that the princesses were gobbled up by a leopard seal, but Eugene is "no marine biologist, but this seal is a Pup." Mortmottimes and Agonysia comment that Crystal and Lucinda were still alive. Agonysia holds the document that has one signature away by Penelope. Eugene declines that in favor of Crystal is present, and Pup leads every penguin in the island to the TDTs' cave. The King & Queen, along with the others turn against the Deep Thinkers, in which they turn around and Agonysia drops the document.

That night (December 24-25th), the TDTs were banished from the kingdom forever... or so they fought. Mortmottimes looks to the night sky. It's Santa Claus, riding in his sleigh, powered by Magic Flying Dust for the eight tiny reindeer against the moon backdrop. Agonysia says "''Merry Christmas indeed.''" Then from the sky, another one of the sleigh bells falls and bonks Agonysia in her noggin. The TDTs have agreed to trace the path that the princesses ventured before... to Santa's City.

a couple things got changed on the island in over the year: Pup is now the official seal pup for the kingdom. and Christmas is officially reinstated but... until one year (4 penguin years) later (The Princesses just turned 16), it's Christmas Day. Princess Lucinda mentions that Santa was here. Crystal opens her gifts to reveal a brand-new pair of ice skates and a single serving of Santa's Magic Flying Dust. In the Frozen Pond, Crystal feels proud when she tried her ice skates. Lucy tries to ice skate but she had troubles, causing her to fall down. Philip skates in, picks up Lucy and skates together. Eugene has troubles with his new ice skates, as Crystal skates in to him, he still stops. Crystal is ready for the Christmas present as she spreads the Magic Flying Dust around them. Eugene is shockingly excited to see him & Crystal floating in the air. Crystal & Eugene temporarily soar away from the island. The very last shot shows Crystal and Eugene soaring away into the clouds with the trail of the Magic Flying Dust behind them, which disappears, above the ocean, which fades to black. The story ends here, until the next Christmas season....

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