Inspector Gadget returns in this sequel to the 1999 hit. A glitched Gadget once again must fight his arch nemesis, Claw, with the aid of a female Gadget: G2.
On the outskirts of Riverton, a pensive Inspector Gadget sits in his Gadgetmobile, along with his canine companion, Brain. He is back on on stakeout, but he is concerned that everything is too quiet in Riverton. He has a very simple, rational answer to this: "it's always the quietest just before criminals strike." Evil must be afoot. In a moment of overzealous crime fighting, he arrests an elderly woman for reckless driving, but not without incident. In his effort to make the arrest his many crime fighting "accessories" go wildly astray. It's time to report back to headquarters for a checkup. Baxter, the "Q" of the Police Department, delivers the prognosis, as he is a prototype thing are bound to have some glitches. The remedy is close at hand. But before Baxter can tell of his new "top secret", Gadget is confronted by a furious Chief Quimby. The elderly lady turns out to be his mother. Gadget is put on notice - any more mistakes and he is on probation. Meanwhile, in the dead of night, and in a raging storm, something happens that will change his destiny forever - his arch nemesis, Claw, makes a daring escape from Riverton Prison. Now evil really is afoot. Chief Quimby offers Gadget one last chance to redeem himself through the capture and return to incarceration of Claw. And so the chase begins.—Uber Minion
Sometime after claws arrest and inspector gadget and brain are in a stakeout And gadget arrest an old lady for reckless driving And takes her to the station where he meets penny And goes to Baxter for a checkup And Baxter gives gadget a prognosis that he has a few glitches And Baxter tells gadget that he's working on something And before Baxter could tell gadget A very Angry chief quimby and tells him that the old lady that he arrested was he's mother And tells him his almost on probation And later that night claw escape from prison And has recruited some prisoners And the very next day Baxter presents his creation to the audience A female gadget named G2 And the next night claws minions steal A ion fuel cell from A factory And G2 And gadget Almost stop them but gadgets glitches get in the way And the minions get away And the next day claws steal A proton laser from science convention But are almost caught by gadget but the minions put a circuit ovoride chip on his hat Allowing claw to control him while his minions steal the laser And in the station quimby fires Gadget for causing damage. At the convention and covering the mayor in toothpaste And penny decides to help her uncle gadget while penny And brain are investigating the bowling shoe from one of the minions meanwhile gadget tries different jobs but his glitches get in the way Again And very next night claw along with his minions plan to steal the Ruby presentation but are almost stopped by G2 And claw uses A giant magnet to subdue G2 allowing him to steal the Ruby And are almost caught by gadget but he let's them go After he doesn't recognise them And the mayor becomes so Angry that she decided to shut down the gadget program Meanwhile penny And brain go into claws hideout but Penny is captured by claws minions but brain escapes And gadget ,G2,brain decides to rescue penny meanwhile claw presents his creation to his minions and penny a giant laser that he uses to freez the entire people of Riverton allowing him And his minions to break into the bank And steal the gold but are caught by gadget And G2 And claw escapes in his van And Gadget chases after claw while G2 fights off the minions After a lengthy car chase Gadget manages to rescue penny from small car filled with bombs And he,G2,,penny, gadgetmobile all chase after claw And while on the bridge gadget uses bubblegum to stop the van The minions surrender while claw escapes later that night gadget,G2, penny are rewarded by quimby and the mayor for there bravery And after the ceremony gadget And G2 share a kiss And gadget Accidently fire A fireworks missle at quimby and the mayor As there getting into the limo which explodes in there face causing both of them to scream Gadget
Still in the police force, Inspector Gadget is reduced to sitting around. After capturing Claw, all the criminals have gone into hiding until he escapes. Gadget thinks he will get the case, but everyone else has other plans. A new version of the Gadget project is unveiled in the form of G2. Strict orders are given for him to stay away from her and every crime scene, but he feels that he is needed more than anyone.—FilmFanUk
Crime in Riverton has ceased ever since Dr. Claw was arrested and sent to prison, and Inspector Gadget, his dog Brain and his Gadgetmobile (D. L. Hughley) are having problems in their line of work, mostly because Gadget - out of boredom - is overreacting to and sending people to jail for unintentional and minor transgressions by them against the law (such as sending a group of girl scouts to jail for selling cookies that were barely past the expiration date). To make things worse, the cyborg human police officer has been having problems with glitches that cause the wrong weapon to be activated whenever he says, "Go go gadget...".Baxter is the technician who designed and developed Gadget. Baxter says that Gadget was always meant to be a prototype and so a few glitches are normal. Baxter says that he has been working on a new model with many upgrades.
Tired of Inspector Gadget overfilling his jail unit for ridiculous reasons, Chief Quimby angrily puts Gadget on probation after Quimby's mother is charged for going slightly above the speed limit (25.3 MPH against a speed limit of 25 MPH) on a mostly deserted highway.
The evil genius, Dr. Claw (Tony Martin), escapes from Riverton Prison and thinks up yet more evil schemes. Claw seeks to exact revenge on Gadget for putting him in prison and to restart his multi-million-dollar empire.Chief Quimby (Mark Mitchell) and Mayor Wilson (Sigrid Thornton) unveil an upgraded female Gadget-type robot Gadget Model #2 (G2 for short) (Elaine Hendrix), to replace the malfunctioning Gadget (French Stewart) believing that he won't succeed with his glitches.
Gadget begins to fall in love with G2, though she does not reciprocate as she prefers to work alone, viewing him as a nuisance but simultaneously appreciating his determination to fight crime.
Meanwhile, Claw plans to steal 5 trillion dollars' worth of gold from the Federal Reserve in Riverton. Gadget's niece, Penny (Caitlin Wachs) is a wannabe detective and sees an advertisement in the newspaper for a criminal minion. Penny investigates further finds out that Claw is planning a heist at the Concentrated Industries warehouse and tells Gadget and G2. Gadget almost captures Claw and his henchmen at the warehouse, but G2 shows up before he can and takes control of the situation.
Gadget repeatedly attempts to stop him, but is continually foiled by his own bumbling and gadgetry glitches, which allow Claw's henchmen, Brick (James Wardlaw) and McKibble (John Batchelor), and their three additional recruits (Squint (Nick Lawson), Jungle Bob (Mick Roughan), and The Ninja (Siros Niaros)) to steal components for the scheme unnoticed; his antics also prevent G2 from stopping Claw.
Later, Gadget attends a science convention, where some of Claw's henchmen plant a circuit override chip on Gadget's hat, allowing Claw to control Gadget (which causes a lot of chaos). Quimby fires Gadget for what happened and costing $100,000 in damages, but he quits instead since it wasn't his fault. Penny offers to help but is warned against getting involved due to her age.
Gadget tries to find a new job, such as a Carpenter, Hair Stylist, and a Pizza Chef. Unfortunately, his glitches keep wrecking everything and he gets fired as usual, but he finally gets a job as a parking valet at a Gala Dinner.
Claw infiltrates a fundraiser hosted by Wilson and activates a bowling pin containing laughing gas to distract the guests as he steals a 50,000-karat ruby on loan from the Rajah of India, before trapping G2, who is immune to the gas, with a magnet. G2 fails at trying to catch Claw. Wilson orders Quimby to deactivate G2 and terminate the Gadget program in order to distract the public from the police's incompetence in stopping Claw.
Deciding to investigate by herself, Penny eventually finds and infiltrates Claw's hideout at the abandoned Bowl-Rite factory outside the city.Claw and his minions return to their hideout where Penny still is. While hiding, she and Brain the dog (Jeff Glen Bennett) overhear Claw's plan and try to escape, but Penny is captured while Brain is able to escape. Gadget ventures to the laboratory of his scientist friend Baxter to reactivate G2, who realizes that Gadget truly cares for her.
Brain, having escaped Claw's men, tells them through Baxter's bark translating device that Claw has kidnapped Penny and has used the three stolen supplies (ionic fuel cells, a Protoid laser, and a ruby) to build a super-weapon. Upon realizing that Claw is based in the Bowl-Rite factory, Gadget finally connects the evidence Penny previously presented to him, and G2 agrees to help him save her and foil Claw's scheme.
The next day, Claw activates his machine: a laser that freezes time in Riverton, allowing Claw and his henchmen to easily rob the Federal Reserve, while planning use the laser on the entire world so that he can rob other valuables.
The Gadgets manage to avoid the weapon's blast and confront the group there. Claw orders his other minions to attack the pair so he, Brick, and McKibble can escape, but the pair decide to switch chips so that Gadget can function perfectly; despite glitches, G2 successfully captures Claw's hired goons.
Gadget pursues Claw, who drops Penny off the truck in a go-kart loaded with explosives. After he rescues her, both reunite with G2 and the Gadgetmobile. At a bridge, Gadget stops Claw's truck with a puddle of bubble gum. Brick and McKibble attempt escape but get stuck in the puddle and are arrested. Claw escapes in a rocket-like pod, vowing that he'll get Gadget "next time", and Penny and the Gadgets reverse the effects of the laser and unfreeze Riverton.
Wilson and Quimby congratulate the Gadgets for their heroic efforts, with Gadget, having been happily reinstated by Quimby, also giving credit to Penny, admitting he is proud to have her as a partner and awarding her a Junior Inspector Medal for her meritorious conduct.
As Gadget and G2 share a kiss outside the city hall, fireworks emerge from Gadget's hat. A firecracker lands right near Quimby and Wilson and explodes shortly afterwards, causing both of them to angrily yell out to Gadget.