A mad doctor conducts ghastly genetic experiments on a remote island in the South Seas, much to the fear and disgust of the shipwrecked sailor who finds himself trapped there.
After his ship goes down, Edward Parker is rescued at sea. Parker gets into a fight with Captain Davies of the Apia and the Captain tosses him overboard while making a delivery to the tiny tropical island of Dr. Moreau. Parker discovers that Moreau has good reason to be so secretive on his lonely island. The doctor is a whip-cracking task master to a growing population of his own gruesome human/animal experiments. He does have one prize result, Lota the beautiful panther woman. Parker's fortunes for escape look up after his fiancée Ruth finds him with the help of fearless Captain Donohue. However, when Moreau's tribe of near-humans rises up to rebel, no one is safe...—Gary Jackson <[email protected]>
Rescued by a passing freighter after his ship sank, Edward Parker is unceremoniously dumped on an island belonging to Dr. Moreau. He's made to feel welcome there though his host tells him not to judge too quickly, or harshly, anything he might see on the island. Moreau has been conducting genetic experiments, turning animals into creatures that are half man and half beast. Parker is repelled by what he's found out but Moreau decides he might be useful in some of his experiments. Meanwhile, Parker's fiancée travels to the island to get him to return. In the end, Dr. Moreau must pay the price for experiments he has conducted.—garykmcd
The castaway Edward Parker is rescued by a cargo ship that is transporting Mr. Montgomery and animals to the notorious scientist Dr. Moreau, who lives in an isolated tiny island in the South Seas. Edwad sends a message to his fiancee Ruth Thomas informing that he is safe and sound and will meet her at Apia. However he has an argument with Captain Davies that tosses him overboard on Dr. Moreau's vessel. The scientist welcomes Edward in his island and offers to transport him on the next day to Apia. Edward sees strange natives and is introduced to the beautiful native Lota. They hear screams from a room called the house of pain by Lota where Edward sees Dr. Moreau and Montgomery operating a person without anesthetic. But later Montgomery gives a justification to Edward that does not know that Dr. Moreau is performing experiences with animals turning them into people. Further, Dr. Moreau decides to keep Edward in the island since Lota, who is indeed a panther, is developing human emotions. What will happen to Edward?—Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
A twisted treasure from Hollywood's pre-Code horror heyday, Island of Lost Souls is a cautionary tale of science run amok, adapted from H. G. Wells's novel The Island of Dr. Moreau. In one of his first major movie roles, Charles Laughton is a mad doctor conducting ghastly genetic experiments on a remote island in the South Seas, much to the fear and disgust of the shipwrecked man (Richard Arlen) who finds himself trapped there. This touchstone of movie terror, directed by Erle C. Kenton, features expressionistic photography by Karl Struss, groundbreaking makeup effects that have inspired generations of monster-movie artists, and the legendary Bela Lugosi in one of his most gruesome roles.