What happens when an American family gets two trees that grow spendable money.
The Baxters are a typical happy American family trying to live on too little money. Mrs. Polly Baxter acquires two mysterious trees that got into a nursery shipment by mistake. Guess what: they turn out to be money trees! After initial problems, Polly decides to spend the money. But there's one logical consequence of money grown on trees that no one's considered.—Rod Crawford <[email protected]>
Polly and Phil Baxter, and their three children are living a serene life in suburbia America until they discover three newly-planted trees in their backyard are bearing a strange fruit...five and ten-dollar bills is U. S. currency. The easily-acquired wealth gets them into several situations and problems, especially with the United States Department of Internal Revenue, which takes a dim view on citizens raising their money on backyard trees.—Les Adams <[email protected]>