Serial killer Jason Voorhees' supernatural origins are revealed.
The secret of Jason's evil is revealed. It is up to the last remaining descendant of the Voorhees family to stop Jason before he becomes immortal and unstoppable. This is the final (?) battle to end Jason's reign of terror forever.—Michael Silva <[email protected]>
Jason Vorhees is killed by an FBI Task Force and is Presumed Dead. During an Autopsy, Jason's Spirit possesses a Coroner and Many other Police Officers to begin killing once again. A Bounty Hunter then gets into contact with Diana Kimble, Jason's Half Sister and the rest of her Family. And it's now up to the Kimble Family and The Bounty Hunter to Kill Jason and send him to Hell, to end his reign of Terror and Death.
Jason Voorhees, the living, breathing essence of evil, is back for one fierce, final fling. Tracked down and blown to bits by a special FBI task force, everyone now assumes that he's finally dead. But everyone assumes wrong. Jason has been reborn with the bone-chilling ability to assume the identity of anyone he touches. The terrifying truth is he could be anywhere. Or anybody. In this shocking, blood-soaked finale to Jason's carnage-ridden of terror, the horrible secret of his unstoppable killing instinct is finally revealed.—Anonymous
The undead serial killer Jason Voorhees, thought to be killed in Part 8, is back at Crystal Lake - through some form of unexplained or unknown resurrection - but this time the killer is on the wrong end of an FBI sting. As he is about to kill a woman (undercover FBI agent Elizabeth Marcus), the FBI springs a trap. After gunning him down, they launch a grenade and Jason gets blown to pieces - but, unknown to the agents, Jason's dark heart keeps beating. His remains are sent to a morgue, where the coroner Phil is hypnotized by Jason's heart and begins to eat it, causing himself to be possessed by the demonic spirit of Jason. Jason, now in Phil's body, kills Phil's assistant, and two FBI agents.
Jason/Phil then goes to Crystal Lake, where he finds three partying teens named Alexis, Deborah, and Luke. While Luke and Deborah have sex in a tent, Jason/Phil kills Alexis with a scalpel. He then attacks the other two, and splits Deborah in half with a signpost, and then kills Luke by smashing it on his head.
Jason/Phil then attacks police officer Josh and Edna. He kills Edna by slamming her head into a car door. He then transfers himself into Josh's body, possesing him.
Meanwhile, bounty hunter Creighton Duke finds out that only members of Jason's bloodline can truly kill him and he will return to life if he possesses a member of his family. The only living relatives of Jason are his half-sister Diana Kimble, her daughter Jessica, and Stephanie, the infant daughter of Jessica and Steven Freeman.
Jason/Josh makes his way to Diana's house. Steven bursts in and stabs Jason with a fireplace poker. Diana is killed with a knife sharpener and Jason/Josh escapes. Steven is falsely accused and arrested for Diana's murder, and meets Duke, who reveals Jessica's relation to Jason. Determined to get to Jessica before Jason does, Steven escapes from jail.
Jessica is dating American Casefiles reporter Robert Campbell. Steven goes to the Voorhees house to find evidence to convince Jessica, but falls through rotten boards. Robert enters the upstairs room and receives a phone call which reveals that he is attempting to "spice up" his show's ratings by putting emphasis on Jason's return from death, having stolen Diana's body from the morgue for this reason. Jason bursts in and transfers his heart into Robert, while Josh gruesomely melts. Jason leaves, with Steven in pursuit. Jason attempts to be reborn through Jessica but is disrupted by Steven who hits him and takes Jessica into his car. Steven runs over Jason and explains the situation to Jessica, who does not believe him and throws him out of the car. Jessica makes it to the police station.
Jason arrives at the police station, and kills most of the officers. He then nearly possesses Jessica before Steven arrives and stops him; Jessica realizes that Steven's story is true. In the chaos, Duke makes his escape. The two make their way to Joey B.'s diner to grab the baby. Jason arrives, but is attacked by the owners of the shop with guns. He manages to kill the owners, but is impaled by Jessica's friend Vikki with a barbacue skewer. Jason however impales her on the same skewer, and smashes her head, killing her. Jason is presumebly killed, and Jessica and Steven discover a note from Duke, telling them that he has the baby and ordering Jessica to meet him at the Voorhees house alone.
Jessica meets Duke at the Voorhees house and is given a mystical dagger which she can use to permanently kill Jason. Meanwhile, an unseen officer enters the diner where Robert (possessed) transfers his heart into him. Duke falls through the floor, and Jessica is confronted by Landis and Randy. Landis is killed accidentally with the dagger, and Jessica drops the dagger under a dresser. Randy (possessed) attempts to be reborn through Stephanie, but Steven arrives and severs his neck with a machete. Jason's heart, which has now grown into a demonic infant, crawls out of Randy's neck, and makes its way to the basement where it crawls into Diana's dead body through her vagina while Steven and Jessica pull Duke out of the basement. Complete with his trademark worksuit and hockey mask, Jason is reborn.
While Steven and Jessica attempt to retrieve the dagger, Duke distracts Jason: in response, Jason kills him before turning his attention to Jessica. Steven tackles Jason, sending both men flying out a window. While Jessica retrieves the dagger, Steven engages Jason in hand to hand combat. Just as Jason moves in for the coup de grace, Jessica stabs him in the chest, releasing the tortured souls that Jason has accumulated through his entire killing spree throughout the whole series. Numerous demonic hands burst out of the ground and pull Jason into the depths of Hell.
Steven and Jessica reconcile and walk off into the sunrise with their baby. After they depart, Jason's mask is unearthed by a dog, but Freddy Krueger's clawed glove bursts out of the ground, grabs Jason's mask, and drags it to Hell.... setting up the next film Freddy vs. Jason.