Jeff King in his experimental rocket suit battles the evil Dr. Vulcan.
Chapter Three DANGEROUS EVIDENCE - Rocket Man rescues Glenda from the crashing car but Dirken gets away with the important negative. Later, at the Science Associates conference, Jeff sets up a plan to trap Dirken while he is attempting to get a special developer for the enlargement of the negative. Dirken gets away with Dr. Vulcan's help, but Jeff, as Rocket Man, traces him to a hideout in the country. There, the negative is being developed which might reveal the identity of Rocket Man. Jeff, in an attempt to prevent this, is captured and held prisoner while the picture is being developed right under his nose. To Be Continued.—-Les Adams <>
Chapter Five FATAL DIVE - The severed cable swings Jeff back to a rooming house ledge. Jeff returns to Science Associates and locates Dr. Vulcan's concealed microphone which he uses to trick Dirken into a secret rendezvous. Burt and Glenda, misunderstanding Jeff's motives, intercede. While Jeff is explaining his plan to intrusive Burt, Dirken kidnaps Glenda and takes off in his airplane. Vulcan's radio detects the direction finder Jeff had planted and Dirken throws it overboard. Rocket Man chases the plane. Dirken parachutes to safety,leaving Glenda in the plane. Rocket Man gets into the diving plane and it crashes. To Be Continued.—Les Adams <>
Chapter Six MYSTERY OF THE ROCKET MAN - Rocket Man dives out of the plane with Glenda before it crashes. Dr. Vulcan now assumes that Jeff and the Rocket Man are one and the same and sets up a plan to prove it, and stealing the newly designed Sonutron at the same time. At the conference, Jeff is in charge of transporting the Sonutron and as he sets out on this mission he is captured by Dirken. Through a ruse, Jeff contacts Millard while en-route to the Electronics Corporation. Dirken is about to consummate Vultar's plan when Rocket Man suddenly appears. In the action that follows his surprising arrival, Jeff makes an attempt to get away with the truck on which the Sonutrom is loaded. A chance bullet knocks him cold and the truck crashes through the wall of the warehouse and off the pier into the water. To Be Continued.—Les Adams <>
Chapter Seven MOLTEN MENACE - Jeff leaps to safety just before the truck crashes. He returns to the cave with the pseudo Rocket Man who turns out to be Millard. Professie Millard demonstrates the powerful Decimator. Later, fearing his moves are being watched by Dr. Vulcan, Rocket Man sends Glenda and Burt to the cave with the Decimator, and message Millard what he has done. His message to Millard is intercepted by Dr. Vulcan who orders an attack on Jeff, and sends other henchmen to the cave to imprison Glenda and Burt to fetch Millard and the Decimator. Jeff escapes and flies as Rocket Man to the cave. A fight starts with Dirken during which the Decimator is accidentally turned on, its force unleashing a lave flow through the cave tunnels. Rocket Mn, Burt and Glenda soon find all escape cut off by oncoming molten lave which overtakes them in one of the tunnel passages. To Be Continued.—-Les Adams <>