A young and parentless girl adopts a 'dog' from the local pound, completely unaware that it's supposedly a dangerous scientific experiment that's taken refuge on Earth and is now hiding from its creator and those who see it as a menace.
A male alien creature escapes an alien planet and lands on Earth. He is adopted by a small broken family and learns everything about multiple things that make up life. Along the way, he is being hunted by multiple aliens who want to lock him up for good.—RECB3
In a place far, far away, illegal genetic experiment #626 is detected: Ruthless scientist Dr. Jumba Jookiba has created a strong, intelligent, nearly indestructible and aggressive being with only one known weakness: The high density of his body makes it impossible for the experiment to swim in water. The scientist is sentenced to jail by the Grand Council of the Galactic Federation. The experiment is supposed to be transported to a prison asteroid, yet manages to escape Captain Gantu, who was supposed to deliver him there. With a stolen police cruiser (the red one), the destructive being races towards a little and already doomed planet: Earth. Stranded on Hawaii, experiment #626 can't actually do much harm: water all around, no big cities and two well-equipped representatives of the Galactic Federation already following close behind to catch him again. But Dr. Jookiba and the Earth expert Pleakley never could have guessed that earth girl Lilo adopts the experiment as dog, gives him the name Stitch and actually causes an emotional development in the little beast. Her dysfunctional family, consisting only of Lilo and her sister Nani, is about to be ripped apart by social worker Cobra Bubbles. Stitch as the new family member brings quite some action into all their lifes, and after a while, not even Pleakley and Dr. Jookiba can recognize their former target. But how shall they bring the news of failure to the Grand Councilwoman without being punished?—Julian Reischl <[email protected]>
The story of a little creature created by genetic experimentation and bound to prison with his evil creator. Stitch escapes and heads for Earth where he tries to impersonate a dog and gets adopted by little Lilo, whom, bent on self preservation, he plans to use as a human shield to protect him for the aliens sent to recapture him. But without a greater purpose in life, no friends, family or memories, Stitch does a little soul searching and begins to understand the meanings of "love" and "family" and his feeling for Lilo begin to change.—SueGilbey
On planet Turo, the United Galactic Federation convicts scientist Dr. Jumba Jookiba (David Ogden Stiers) (a Kweltikwan mad scientist employed by Galaxy Defense Industries) of illegal genetic experimentation; he has created Experiment 626 (Chris Sanders), an aggressive and near-indestructible creature with great learning capabilities. 626 is bulletproof, fireproof and think faster than a computer. He can see in the dark and move objects 3000 times its size. The only instinct 626 has is to destroy everything he touches. The Federation council is horrified looking at 626's savage behavior (when the Grand Councilwoman asked for a sign that there was something good inside of 626, 626 responds with an extreme profanity) and deems it unsuitable for contact with any other living species as it is a flawed product of a deranged mind.
626 is sentenced to exile on a desert asteroid. During transport 626 is guarded by guns locked on to his genetic signature. 626 uses this to spit on the walls of his cell, causing the guns to blow a hole in the wall. 626 escapes and hijacks a space cruiser (and activates its hyper drive even though the navigation system on board the cruiser had failed) that crash-lands on Kaua'I, Hawaii on the planet Earth. 626 could not survive in water as his molecular density is too great, but luckily his ship crashes on a tiny Island in the middle of the Ocean.
Shortly after landing on Earth, 626 is hit by a truck and placed in an animal shelter. His clothes and guns are removed. The Federation's Grand Councilwoman (Zoe Caldwell) offers Jumba an early release if he retrieves 626 with the assistance of the council's Earth expert, Agent Pleakley (Kevin McDonald) a Plorgonarian Galactic Federation agent. Councilwoman wanted to gas the planet, but Pleakley says that Earth is a protected wildlife preserve, being used to breed mosquitoes. Pleakley says that the native human species have colonies all over the planet and hence the Island cannot be destroyed. Landing the military is not an option as it would cause mass panic and mayhem.
On Kauai, orphaned teenager Nani Pelekai (Tia Carrere) struggles to take care of her lonely, rambunctious younger sister, Lilo (Daveigh Chase), following their parents' death in a car crash. Lilo ruins the local hula practice when she arrives in wet clothes and wets the floor, which causes the other dancers to slip and fall. Lilo's hula teacher is Moses Puloki (Kunewa Mook). Lula gets into a fight with the other girls when they say that she is crazy for believing that her pet fish controls the weather. No other girls want to play doll with Lilo as they find her doll disgusting.
Social worker Cobra Bubbles (Ving Rhames) doubts Nani can be an adequate guardian for Lilo (Lilo frequently locks herself in the house and nails it shut, forcing Nani to use inappropriate language which Bubbles listens when he arrives for an inspection. Bubbles is also concerned that Nani leaves Lilo home alone and left the stove on) and threatens to place Lilo in foster care if the Pelekais' situation fails to improve. Bubbles gives Nani 3 days to change his mind.Nani and Lilo are frustrated at each other, but also make up after the social worker leaves. Lilo understands that they are sisters and need to be there for each other. Lilo prays for a friend, someone who won't run away.
After overhearing Lilo wishing to have a friend, Nani brings her to the animal shelter to adopt a dog. Lilo adopts 626, who is impersonating a dog (he sucks in his 2 extra arms and the protrusions on his back), and names him "Stitch". 626 allows himself to be adopted as he finds that he was being targeted out of the shelter by Jumba, but while going out with Lilo, Pleakley assesses the situation to be too dangerous and won't allow Jumba to shoot at 626.626 steals a bicycle from Lilo's friend and circles all over the island to realize that he is surrounded by water and there is no way out. 626 has to put up with Lilo's attempts to "train" him as Jumba is monitoring him closely and waiting for a moment when he is separated from Lilo.
That night, Stitch causes chaos at the Lu'Au where Nani works while trying to avoid capture from Jumba and Pleakley. Nani's boss blames Nani for the chaos and fires her. Lilo takes Stitch home where he continues to cause havoc. Nani wants to return Stitch, but Lilo insists that Stitch is just cranky as it is past his bedtime. Lilo insists that Stitch is part of the family, their Ohana, which means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. Lilo says that Stitch is an orphan and they adopted him.Jumba is sure that 626 cannot be trained to forget its destructive programming. But 626 has nothing to destroy. He starts to read books and makes Lilo read him the story of the Ugly Duckling.The news of Nani's firing reaches Bubbles, who orders Nani to find a new job and tells Lilo to teach Stitch to be a "model citizen".
Despite Lilo's attempts to domesticate Stitch, his antics repeatedly ruin Nani's efforts to find a new job. Nani, Lilo, and Stitch go surfing with Nani's former co-worker and friend David (Jason Scott Lee).Jumba and Pleakley again attempt to capture Stitch (after Councilwoman calls and admonishes Pleakley for his failure to capture 626) and unintentionally drags Lilo underwater in the process. Nani manages to save Lilo and while 626 escapes from Jumba, he still drowns and is rescued by David.
David rescues Lilo and Stitch, but Bubbles arrives and tells Nani he will retrieve Lilo the following morning. Feeling guilty over the trouble he has caused, Stitch runs away.The Grand Councilwoman fires Jumba and Pleakley and tasks her second-in-command, Captain Gantu (Kevin Michael Richardson) (the respected but arrogant Shaelik second-in-command of the Galactic Federation), with capturing Stitch, while Jumba begins hunting Stitch using less covert methods.Jumba finds 626 alone in the jungle and says that he can never have a family as 626 was built to destroy.
When David informs Nani of another job opportunity, Nani leaves Lilo at home alone. Jumba and Pleakley chase Stitch back to the Pelekais' house. Lilo manages to call Bubbles, as he had left his number with him. The ensuing fight between Jumba and Stitch culminates in an explosion that destroys the house.
Nani gets the job, but frantically runs back home after seeing a fire engine driving toward her house. Bubbles arrives to retrieve Lilo. While Bubbles and Nani argue about Lilo's well-being, Lilo runs away into the woods and finds Stitch, who, in shame, reveals his alien form. Gantu captures both Lilo and Stitch, but Stitch manages to escape the ship just as it takes off. Nani confronts Stitch, but he is immediately captured by Jumba and Pleakley.Nani asks them to save Lilo, but they insist they only have legal authority to capture Stitch. After Nani bursts into tears, Stitch remembers Ohana, a term for "family" he learned from Lilo and convinces Jumba to help rescue her. Jumba, Pleakley, Stitch, and Nani board Jumba's personal spaceship, pursue Gantu, and rescue Lilo. They manage to stop Gantu from making a jump into hyper-space.Gantu fights back with his ship and injures Stitch who falls back to the Island. Stitch then drives a fuel truck into a volcano and ignites it. The resultant explosion propels Stitch back into the air, and he lands right into Gantu's ship. Stitch saves Lilo and they jump back to land before Gantu's ship explodes. Gantu himself manages to land on Jumba's ship.
The Grand Councilwoman arrives to retrieve Stitch herself. She fires Gantu for endangering Lilo and failing to capture Stitch. However, after observing Stitch's civilized behavior (626 refers to himself as Stitch and seeks permission from the Councilwoman to say goodbye to Lilo. Stitch tells the Councilwoman that Lilo and Nani are his family and he found them on his own) and being informed that Lilo legally owns Stitch because she bought him at the animal shelter, the Grand Councilwoman decrees that Stitch will live out his exile on Earth, and that the Pelekai family has the protection of the United Galactic Federation.
Bubbles reveals he is a former CIA agent who had previously met the Grand Councilwoman in Roswell, New Mexico in 1973. Bubbles says that he was the one who convinced the alien race that mosquitoes are an endangered species and prevented them from destroying Earth.Stitch, Jumba, and Pleakley, having joined Lilo and Nani's family, rebuild their house, with David and Bubbles' help. Stitch adjusts to his new life with his family. He performs at the hula dance. Jumba and Pleakley become part of the family as well.