Factory manager gets army reserves to boost female workers' morale. Local beauty spurns them for jazz pianist who seduces her. She leaves for Prague to find him but his parents are displeased when she arrives.
A factory manager in rural Czechoslovakia bargains with the army to send men to the area, to boost the morale of his young female workers, deprived of male company since the local boys have been conscripted. The army sends reservists, mostly married middle-aged men - and the local beauty Andula, spurns those bold enough to try to win her, for the jazz pianist, newly come from Prague to perform. He seduces her and impresses her, telling her "most women are round, like guitars but you are a guitar by Picasso". Staying the night with him causes a lecture on a young woman's honour at her hostel so she throws over her other suitors and makes her way to Prague to find the young man. His protective Mamma and weary Pappa are not pleased when she arrives on the doorstep with her suitcase.—MK
Andula works on the floor of a shoe factory in the provincial Czechoslovakian town of Zruc, and like most of her colleagues is young and female - the age and gender disparity due to conscription sending the young men into the military - and lives in the factory's hostel. She is somewhat innocent and naive when it comes to issues with the opposite sex, she easily falling in love or infatuation, such as with her current boyfriend Tonda, or reliving thoughts about a brief non-sexual encounter with a forest ranger. To boost morale among his young, female employees, the factory manager arranges for a social between them and a group of military reservists. While the social progresses to a point where it seems that she, and her two friends, Jana and Marie, are going to go off with three older and in their minds not really desirable reservists, Andula instead is whisked off by Milda, the Prague-based pianist who was playing with the musical combo at the social and who could witness the goings-on from his unique vantage point. While Andula doesn't totally trust Milda, she does end up spending the night with him. What is purely pillow talk on Milda's part, Andula takes as gospel. As such in combination with a talk to all the girls by their housemother, Andula unilaterally makes the decision to head to Prague to reunite with Milda, in the process she getting a life lesson about sexual relations among the young.—Huggo
A working-class young woman in a hick Czech town sleeps with one of the band members of a group from Prague. "You are a Mondrian, not a Picasso," he tells her. When she doesn't hear from him again, she packs up and arrives on his doorstep in the big city, throwing his household (he lives with his parents) into chaos.—<[email protected]>
A very funny adaptation of the "all-girls' boarding school" farce adapted to Communist Czechoslovakia in the years just preceding the Prague Spring. A director of a factory built in rural Moravia in the center of the country has a problem. His factory is staffed entirely by 18-20 year old young women but all the boys their age have been drafted and sent to the border with West Germany anticipating war with the West. This has begun to cause "morale problems" at the factory. Hat in hand, he gets a meeting with the general staff and asks for help. The generals respond that they can't spare any of the young men because "war may come." The factory director responds, "With all due respect, I appreciate your concerns but I have mine. And since it's been a while, may I ask, what if the war doesn't come? Can you do something to help me out?"
Well, in a typical measured, _planned_, and regimented fashion, the generals decide to "deploy" a "reserve unit" of 40-something year old (mostly MARRIED) men to the next "factory dance." Well, the men are lost talking among themselves about how exactly they used to pick up girls "back in the day," while the young women are not exactly thrilled being asked to dance with men who are as old as their fathers. The only young man at the dance is a jazz musician from Prague who's playing in the band. The Blonde protagonist of the story decides to take things into her own hands and talks him up ...
Loves of a Blonde also features possibly the single most over the top sincere/heartfelt defence of "a young woman's honor" ever portrayed in cinema given by the "comrade house mother" responsible for the girls' dorm at the factory.