
Martian and Terra discover a lifeless Jovian freighter is not abandoned.


  • female soldier
  • martian
  • mars the planet
  • psychotronic short
  • terra
  • Animation
  • Short
Release date May 13, 2010
Countries of origin United States
Language English

Box office

Budget $10000

Tech specs

Color Color
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"Martian" offers very cool sci-fi and high adventure. It pulls you headfirst into it's world, the world of a brave and possibly somewhat aloof, Martian hero, going on fantastic adventures through outer space with his spunky, human sidekick ("Partner!", she'd say) as they battle any who'd threaten justice and peace for all.

Martian: aloof, heroic, not sure where he fits in. He suffers from memory loss but believes he was a law enforcer of some sort - something that explains his desire for justice and peace. He is torn up about the fact that he is now the last of his race(?). Will he discover through the course of his adventures, a Martian empire that exists after they abandoned their home planet? Could the people he most wanted to be reunited with end up being his worst enemies? Why was he imprisoned on his home planet?

Terra is our human eyes character, through which we see and understand what's going on. The reader's voice, so to speak, or sympathetic character, commenting on the situations as we would and humanizing our hero, the Martian. Think of her as our Whedonesque character (Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel), commenting on these familiar sci-fi tropes as we all would, but without belittling them.

There are mad and beautiful things out there in the farthest, darkest corners of the universe, and it'll be these sorts of things our Martian and Terra will be coming into contact (and conflict) with, whether they'd like to or not. Like any decent major SF movie, this is a whole new world unlike any we've seen before, crack-full of infinite possibility... but also strangely familiar, as we dig out and play with classic science fiction and super-hero concepts in a new and fascinating way...

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