The old friends from "The Mary Tyler Moore Show, " Mary and Rhoda, are reunited, only to discover that Mary has a daughter named Rose and Rhoda's daughter is named Meredith.
Mary Richards and Rhoda Morgenstern, those two groundbreaking sitcom leads from the 1970s, reunite in this TV-movie. Mary's widowed and Rhoda's divorced, and they both want to return to the workplace, but they soon realize that most jobs don't want to hire women in their 50s and 60s, which presents a problem.—Tommy Peter
After years of separation, the recently-widowed Mary and recently-divorced Rhoda are reunited and find that though their lives veered off in vastly different directions, they have plenty in common. Together Mary and Rhoda struggle to find jobs in a world that doesn't recognize the potential of women of "a certain age," and both try to understand their rebellious daughters, Rose and Meredith, who are forging their own identities without their mothers' help.—Jonathan Ruskin <[email protected]>