The misadventures of a misfit PT boat crew during World War II.
These are the adventures of the misfit crew of PT-73 during World War II. They're one of the best fighting crews in the Navy, but break regulations when it suits them. Their commander, Lieutenant Commander Quinton McHale (Ernest Borgnine), is at times as roguish as his crew, but he puts his foot down when things go too far. They are assigned Executive Officer Ensign Charles Parker (Tim Conway), who is by-the-book, but too much of a klutz to command too much respect. They have a house-boy, Fuji Kobiaji (Yoshio Yoda), who deserted the Japanese Navy and wears a P.O.W. outfit just in case he's caught, so he won't be shot at. Their nemesis is Captain Wallace B. Binghamton (Joe Flynn) and his aide Lieutenant Elroy Carpenter (Bob Hastings). They're initially stationed in the South Pacific, but moved to Italy in the last season.—Tony B