Uso Ewin gets himself tangled in a battle between the Yellow Jacket and guerrilla resistance League Militaire. Following his heart, Uso pilots the resistance's mobile suit and goes against the Zanscare Empire of space.
The year is UC 0153. The conflict between the Earth Federation and Zeon is long over, and the majority of humanity has migrated to the space colonies. Even the Federation headquarters has been moved into space. Only a handful of humans still live on the planet. The Earth Federation has weakened, allowing the space-born Zanscare Empire to gain power. The fanatically religious Zanscare begins to conquer Earth, and the weak Federation is unable and even unwilling to do anything about it. Only the League Militaire, a resistance group mostly made up of the remaining Earthnoids, and its newest weapon - the Victory Gundam - stand in the way of the Zanscare Empire. Uso Ewin, a 13-year old boy, takes the controls of the Victory Gundam in this series, making him the youngest hero in any Gundam series to date.—Lebowski
In the year UC 0153, thirty years after the Formula Wars and sixty years after the Second Neo Zeon War, the space-based Zanscare Empire tries to take over the World as the Earth Federation Government continues to weaken. Only the League Militaire stands in the way, along with its new secret weapon: The Victory Gundam.—fml_lopez