A borderline fascistic Dr. Van Helsing unwittingly hires crack smoking gang-bangers to pursue the decadent vampires who secretly control Hollywood and the United States.
Count Dracula is in L.A., running a hideous club scene, and he's angry that a rogue vampire, posing as a streetwalker, is slashing. He's also unhappy that Dallas, a youthful undead and former protégé, is in town. The rogue slasher, Nico, serendipitously picks Dallas as a victim; after discovering each other's nature, they become lovers. In fear of the Count, Dallas's coterie urges him to kill Nico, but he refuses. Meanwhile, a Viennese vampire hunter, Van Helsing, arrives in L.A. and hires the Crips to help him. They're soon following Nico and Dallas. When they capture her, Dallas wants to deal: spare Nico and he'll lead the hunters to Dracula. It's time for stake and bake.—<[email protected]>
Dallas [Casper Van Dien] is not a very discriminating vampire. Years ago, he turned thecrippled son of famed Viennese vampire hunter, Doctor Frederick VanHelsing. Twenty years ago, without permission from Count Dracula, heturned young and waifish Nico, who has since morphed into a rogue L.A.streetwalker dubbed "The Hollywood Stalker". Even with both Van Helsingand Dracula on his tail and after 20 years in exile, Dallas can't resistreturning to L.A. to pay a visit to his dearest old friends -- beautifulUlrike [Kim Cattrall], urbane Vincent [Udo Kier], artist Richard [Craig Ferguson],and Richard's ever-pregnant wife Panthia [Natasha Andreichenk]. To celebrateDallas's return, the five of them decide to spendthe night clubbing in one of Dracula's many vampire bars. Unfortunately,Dracula [Robert Pastorelli] is also there. When he sees Dallas is back in town, he gives himthree days to scram or else.
Dr Van Helsing [Rod Steiger], leader of Van Helsing's Institute of Vienna, also hashis eye on the band of merrymaking vampires. "It's an infestation," heconcludes and realizes that he can't handle the extermination alone, so heputs an ad in the newspaper looking for a "strong and brave young manwho's not afraid to get his hands dirty in a cause that is holy." What hegets is Crip brother Time Bomb [Gabriel Casseus], who doesn't believe in vampires but iswilling to put a stake through anyone's heart for $1,000 a week and abonus of another $1,000 for every vampire killed. First vampire to go isVincent.
Dallas is feeling protective (and a little curious) about hisprotegee Nico [Natasha Gregson Wagner], so he drives around Hollywood Blvd that night until hespots her. After sharing a bit of each other's blood, Dallas explains thatthe vampire community is out to get her. They're afraid that Nico will getherself arrested and then the whole world will know that vampires exist.Dallas forces her to move from the junked oil tanker in which she sleepsand to come live with Richard and Panthia who clean her up and take hershopping for some new clothes.When they stop for a bite at the Insomnia Cafe, Nico makes a humanfriend. But, when they return to Richard and Panthia's house, they findUlrike sitting on her car hood, crying. She has discovered Vincent's body.Knowing that Van Helsing is closing in on them, Dallas takes Nico to seeher mother. Not a good idea, he finds out when Nico has him kill herstepfather (payback for all that "sex sh*t" he did to her when she waslittle) and exchanges heated words with her mother ("You never lovedme!"). As they leave the trailor court, they are attacked by four ofDracula's henchmen. Dallas and Nico manage to shoot up three of them andset fire to the fourth.
The next night, while Richard, Panthia, and Ulrike are sitting aroundthe living room and listening to music, Nico gets a call from her newfriend Rachel [ Natasha Lyonne]. Rachel invites her out to party (i.e., sniff spraypaint),and Nico is eager to go. Meanwhile, Dallas pays a visit to Dracula andbegs to be allowed to train Nico. Dracula will have none of it and advisesDallas to deliver Nico to him or he and everyone he cares about will diescreaming.
Having come to the conclusion that even two vampire hunters may notbe enough against the vampire infestation, Van Helsing and Time Bomb havebrought in three more Crip brothers -- Soda Pop [ Victor Togunde], L'il Monster Cedrick Terrell], andTrigger [Flex Alexander]. While Nico and Dallas are off doing their things, Van Helsing andhis four employees storm the house and drive stakes through Richard andPanthia. They tie Ulrike to a bedpost, but she taunts the Crips intohaving sex with her before Van Helsing stakes her, too. Little do theyknow that to have sex with a vampire turns a person into a vampire.Suddenly, Nico walks in and is horrified at the carnage. She attacksTrigger, who pulls a gun and tries to get off a shot. The bullet hitsRachel instead. Nico grabs the gun and shoots Trigger. Time Bomb subduesNico with a rope of garlic, just as Dallas returns home and comes face toface with Van Helsing. In exchange for letting Nico go, Dallas offers tolead Van Helsing to Dracula, so the whole bunch of them -- Van Helsing,Time Bomb, L'il Monster, Dallas, Nico, Rachel and Trigger -- pile into VanHelsing's van and head for Dracula's house. Unfortunately, Dracula'shenchmen intercept them and take Nico and Van Helsing to Dracula, where hehooks up Nico to a blood-draining machine and places Van Helsing in a boxwith only his head sticking out.Just as Dracula is about to crack open Van Helsing's skull, Dallasdrives the van through the wall of the club. Dallas and the four Crips,now vampires, come out shooting. Many bullets and stakes later, Draculaand his henchmen are destroyed, Nico is set free, Rachel has been madeinto a vampire, and Nico, Rachel, and Dallas have decided to move to NewYork. In the closing scene, a pajama-clad Van Helsing runs down an alley,screaming for forgiveness from his son. As he utters a big scream forhelp, vampire fangs can be seen. [Original Synopsis by bj_kuehl.]