Grave robbers unearth preserved vampires. Transporting child vampire, its spell breaks, befriending locals. Parent vampires awaken, escape. Herbalist pursues to destroy them.
Modern grave robbing "archeologists" find perfectly preserved specimens from the past of a man, a woman, and their child. Unbeknownst to the scientist and his two bumbling assistants, these are vampires immobilized only by the paper spells pasted on their foreheads. While transporting the child to a buyer, its spell blows off and the vampire child escapes and befriends some local children. Eventually, the parent vampires are also awakened and escape, but by now the local herbalist is on their trail to destroy them.—Reid Gagle
Grave-robbing Professor Kwok Tun Wong [Fat Chung] and his bungling assistants,Chicken [Billy Lau] and Sonny[?], make what they think might be a major find--threecorpses from the Chien Lung reign. One is a woman, another looks like herson, and the third looks like the father. A family! Not only are theydressed in clothing and jewels from that period, but the corpsesthemselves are perfectly preserved. In fact, their flesh is still soft.The discerning viewer will recognize, of course, that the yellow talismanspasted on the corpses' foreheads are wards against the undead. This is notan ordinary is a family of chiang-shih!
Professor Kwok telephones Mr Nelsson, who requests a sample of thefind, so the professor and Sonny transport the boy. On the way, thetalisman is blown off the little chiang-shih's forehead and he escapes.Meanwhile, Chicken is attempting to discern the meaning to the talisman onMama's forehead. He removes it in order to look it up in a book, whichsays that the talisman "touches yin and yang and unites the five elements.It can exorcise all kinds of spirits. It's called the 'corpse-appeasingtalisman'. Any corpse pasted with it may get provoked. Descendentsshouldn't tear it off or it may resurrect." While Chicken is reading, Mama [Pauline Wong]awakens. Thereafter follows seven minutes in which both hopping vampirestry to get the bite on Chicken (actually, Papa succeeds) until theprofessor and Sonny return and help to subdue the vampires.
Chicken takes his bitten arm to the local herbal store where MasterLin Chin Ying [Ching-Ying Lam] recognizes the bite as that from a vampire. Chicken won'ttell the truth about where he got the bite so, after treating him, MasterLin follows Chicken. Lin's assistant Jen [Biao Yuen], an aspiringphotographer/reporter follows Lin. Gigi [Lee Choi Fung Moon], Lin's daughter and Jen'sgirlfriend, follows Jen. The trail leads to Professor Kwok's house. WhenKwok, Chicken, and Sonny go in search of the chiang-shih boy, Jen decidesthat this is a perfect time to investigate Kwok's house. Jen finds thecorpses of Mama and Papa and, while trying to photograph them, succeeds inawakening them. Thereafter follows 11+ minutes in which both hoppingvampires try to get the bite on Jen, Gigi, and Master Lin while Jen triesto subdue them with a foul-smelling sedative, which causes everything tooccur in slow motion. Finally, Jen successfully subdues them by pouringpints of the sedatives down the throats of Mama and Papa.
When Chicken learns that the only way he can recover from a vampire'sbite is to get some blood from a chiang-shih, he goes to the morgue whereMama and Papa have been taken. Jen and Master Lin have also gone to themorgue in order to spear the hearts of the vampires, but the corpses aretoo frozen for the stakes to penetrate. Likewise, their skin is too frozenfor the hypodermic needle to penetrate, so Professor Kwok orders that thebodies be taken back to his place. While in transport, Mamaand Papa escape, hopping from car roof to car roof and causing major chaossuch that a TV crew shows up to report the damage.
Meanwhile, chiang-shih boy has found his way into Mr Hu's [Fung Wo] greenhouse,where he meets and befriends Mr Hu's daughter Chia Chi [?], who hides him inher bedroom closet. Since the vampire boy doesn't speak, Chia Chia nameshim "OK Boy" and introduces him to her brother and to all her friends. OKBoy is enjoying his new friends until he sees his Mama and Papa on theevening news and he starts to wail. Mama and Papa hear his cries andfollow them to Mr Hu's house. They chase Mr Hu and his children from roomto room until OK Boy intervenes and forces his parents to leave hisfriends alone. However, when the hopping vampires attempt to leave, thewaiting police shine intense lights on them.
Fortunately, Master Lin shows up. He and Jen manage to drive a stakethrough Mama's heart and, after luring Papa into the greenhouse, set thejoint afire. Badly burned, Papa escapes but the police kill him with acalcium sulfate bullet. Still protecting OK Boy, Chia Chia begs Master Linto spare OK Boy. They change his clothes, and Jen and Lin carry him out,vowing to help OK Boy into "early, happy reincarnation", Buddha bepraised. As Master Lin, Jen, and OK Boy walk away, they are suddenlyconfronted with Chicken and Sonny, both of whom have become vampires.[Original Synopsis by bj_kuehl]