Sameer, fast at losing his temper is re-located to Goa where he falls in love with Rani. But Sameer's new roommate Sunny, has some plans of his own.
Sunny rents a room in a City called Goa in India. His room-mate is Sameer, who likes to fool around with woman, then dump them. He eventually falls in love, then gets dumped. Sorrowful and repentant, Sameer also has had many misadventures, especially when he ended up slapping an elderly man. Now Sameer has fallen for his next door neighbor, Rani. Now Sameer has two problems to overcome in order to wed Rani. The first he has to eliminate his competitor, none other than Sunny himself, who is also in love with Rani, and will do anything to marry her; and the second is Rani's father, ironically the very man who Sameer had slapped earlier. Will Sunny end up getting married to Rani, leaving Sameer to repent for the rest of his life?—Sumitra (corrected by Calista)
Sameer is a hot-headed youngsters with a knack of getting into brawls. When his girlfriend dumps him, he is heartbroken and relocates to Goa to work as a lifeguard. He falls for his next-door neighbour Rani, but Rani dislikes him because Sameer had slapped her father by mistake. On top of it, Sameer's new roommate Sunny is a lecherous playboy who has the hots for Rani. This results into a zany battle of wits between Sameer and Sunny over who will win Rani's heart .—Soumitra
Sameer, fast at losing his temper is re-located to Goa in India. Where he rents a room, he likes to fool around with woman, then dump them. He eventually falls in love, then gets dumped. Sorrowful and repentant, Sameer also has had many misadventures, especially when he ended up slapping an elderly man. One day suddenly Sunny appears and became Sameer's room-mate. Now Sameer has fallen head over heels in love with his next door neighbor, Rani. Now Sameer has two problems to overcome in order to wed Rani. The first he has to eliminate his competitor, none other than Sunny himself, who is also in love with Rani, and will do anything to marry her; and the second is Rani's father, ironically the very man who Sameer had slapped earlier. A battle prevails between the two young men at this stage and the winner will have Rani's hand in marriage.—gavin@[email protected]
Hot-headed at a very young age, Sameer, has now matured but has not changed his ways. He has had many misadventures in life and now relocates to Goa at Mr. Duggal's house, while residing there he meets and falls in love with his next door neighbor, Rani but her father, Colonel Dugraj Singh does not approve of him since he is slapped by Sameer in public. To make matters worse for Sameer he has got a new room-mate, Sunny who creates more misunderstandings between Sameer and Dugraj and Rani herself begins to hate Sameer. While Sameer loves Rani truly, Sunny is just a misunderstanding between both. What will be the outcome of Sameer's love for Rani? How will he get rid of all obstacles in his life and be able to web Rani?—gAvInDrA ([email protected])
Sameer (Salman Khan) is a hot-tempered person with terrible anger management issues ever since his parents passed away in his childhood. After he beats up a group of goons who tried to assault his girlfriend Roma (Amrita Arora), she breaks up with him due to his bad temper. Thus, as per his horoscope, he is very unlucky in love. With a broken and heavy heart and to get away from everything, he leaves for Goa to take up a job as a lifeguard, where he meets Rani (Priyanka Chopra) and instantly falls in love with her. After many attempts at befriending her and a rough start with her father (Amrish Puri), Rani and Sameer become friends. However, Sameer's ill fated luck comes into play as he still has some rough incidents with her father and Rani, too gets angry with him since she overhears him saying bad things about her to Pandit Ji (Rajpal Yadav).
Further trouble arrives in the form of Sunny (Akshay Kumar), who moves into the same house as Sameer and shares a room with him. He too meets Rani, falls in love with her and decides to cause further trouble by getting closer to her through the mistakes Sameer makes. This causes a lot of trouble between the two. It is evident that Sunny is out to ruin Sameer's relationship with Rani so that he can steal Rani away from him. This can further be shown when he takes credit for Sameer as the latter had helped her with money for a fashion show and had made the mistake of remaining anonymous and calling himself her "well-wisher". Also, he goes to the extent of taking credit for a painting of Rani that Sameer has made. He kidnaps Rani's dog, Tommy and blames Sameer for it.
These actions aggravate Sameer and ignite his temper, making his relationships rocky. Matters are also not helped when Sameer gets into the bad books of Suraj Prakash (Satish Shah), a man whom he had met on the train to Goa, who had scared Sameer into staying awake for the whole night and whom Sameer had later put on guard duty for night times for 3 months at the club where he was working. Sameer later realizes that he is Rani's uncle. Also a misunderstanding occurs when Sameer's grandmother who is partially blind arrives and mistakes Rani's mother for Rani while trying to persuade her into marrying Sameer. Sameer, who goes to sort out the situation gets caught in an embarrassing position with Rani's mother. Rani, who is shocked and disgusted is later advised by her mother that Sameer had not been at fault in that situation. She also says that Rani should carefully deliberate on whom she loves more- Sameer or Sunny.
Disgusted and completely out of hope and patience, Sameer decides to leave Goa forever. As he is leaving, Sunny arrives and taunts him on how he got close to Rani through the latter's mistakes. Sameer says that he has had enough of dreaming of Rani and wishes Sunny all happiness as he leaves. Sunny however tries to have the last laugh as he taunts Sameer again. This time, Sameer loses his temper completely. He rounds on Sunny and chases him through the streets right through to a crowd at a cricket stadium, where India and Pakistan are supposed to be playing a friendly match.
Deciding to have one last try, he enters the field after breaking through security, takes the mike from Kapil Dev, the guest of honor, and uses it to apologize to Rani and her parents very sincerely for his past mistakes. Saying so, he confesses his love for her and asks her to marry him in front of the whole crowd, coupled with motivation from spectators and players alike. Rani runs out to the field and embraces him, thus reuniting with him.
At the end, Sunny arrives and reveals that he is actually Arun, Sameer's childhood friend who had come to Goa, for a cure to Sameer's anger management issues. He had gone to visit Sameer the first thing after coming back from America after 19 years and had met the latter's grandmother, who had told him about Sameer's heartbreak and subsequent departure for Goa. At that point, he had decided to help Sameer, but by posing as his enemy. He had revealed the same to Rani and her parents earlier. Sameer is then reunited with his old friend as well.The film ends with Arun conducting Sameer and Rani's marriage.