In the cold world cast by science, he was created with a special meaning. The struggle of human nature, the baptism of the years, and the lack of faith have not changed his fearless adherence to the original light.
Nanocore is a science fiction Chinese animated series in 3D. The stage of the story is established on a fictional planet Birthigin. In this young planet, humanity will never stop longing for a bright future despite reason and fear. In revolutions and evolutions, humanity keeps challenging the Creator, and which eventually induces contractions intensified. People choose to wake up and struggle for their own ideals. They end the peace and angers sweep the whole planet, resulting in outbreak of the crisis known as Purple Fog. In time of humans facing their odds of survival, the plan N.S.P led by the elite keeps frustrating until NanoCore's involving. It brings the plan his birth. As the existence, that the elite thinks should lead the development of human weapons, however, he breaks shackles of fate, and arrives at a land where faith no longer exists. He learns to make choices and grows up with them, and the dim future of Birthigin thus begins to change.—Nanocore Tumblr
Nano Core is a Sci-fi Chinese CGI cartoon made by Coastline Animation Studio that began airing in 2014. In the planet of Birthigin, humans will never stop searching for a brighter future despite the many hardships. In revolutions and evolution, human keeps challenging the creator, and which induced contractions intensifying. The humans choose to wake up and struggle for their own ideals. They end up braking the peace and anger sweeps the whole planet, resulting in an outbreak known as the Purple Fog. Our story centers around Ray, a young Aesir sent to unknown land after his mother figure, Heyar Adas, believes that he deserves to live as a human. He gets discovered by a pair of siblings, Nova and Miya Fentis, but is shortly separated after their home gets attacked by soldiers sent by the Aesirs searching for him. He later teams up with Tangxin, a young agent of the Bing family and Lozo, a sniper from the Shark Squadron, to avoid his pursuers.—TVTropes
Birthigin Land that was once the most prosperous Receives the guidance of his And is forced to make a choice Technology and evolution, the Aesir choose New civilization is born from war's ashes Alone with its birth Calamity arrives The story begins.—Coastline Animation
The desolate sands of fate, the ray of hope that is being bred by Yuan Star in a ravaged land "He" gives people prompts and is forced to make choices. They chose technology, choosing long-lived but crippled evolution. Choose a civilization of continuation and innovation. It's a proud honor to name them subhumans. At the end of two centuries of dominion War and disaster ensue.—Coastline Animation