A descent into the nether world of the psyche. We see a step by step metamorphosis of a tortured soul. The war between good and evil in his mind propels him into an Inferno of his own making.
Somebody's killing homeless people in Pioneer Square. John, an artist in the area, thinks he has a psychic link to the person and knows who it is. Or does he?—John Shaner
Journey to the center of a mentally ill artist's mind. Watch him murder and then convict himself of crimes against his imagination. Halloween never ends for paranoid John Willem (Ben Andrews). His uncontrollable nightmare is just beginning. John can't distinguish between reality, memories or dreams. He's battling the voices of good vs. evil in his head. These voices like to manifest themselves as characters in his waking life. He's broke and can't pay his rent. Due in part to early family conditioning, he never stood a chance in society. It's now become a good alibi for him to play the tortured artist card. John reaches out for help. Unfortunately, the corrupt people around him may be crazier than he is. John, although smart enough to understand this, allows himself to become victimized. He then takes out his frustrations by imagining himself a gruesome monster (Alan Sutherland) roaming the streets of Pioneer Square, Seattle, bringing revenge. Like most real killers, he's a determined coward. John's primal state is not happy and good. He was not born noble. Because of this reality, he experiences a unique sense of freedom. This perspective gives him a sense of hope. Inside that hope he finds the strength to confront the monster. He feels driven to commit an ultimate heroic act. Too bad he's freaking crazy. Step inside the mind of a psycho! This is the place where no one is safe. This is the zone where we are all fair game. Who will win in the end? John? His sleazy friends? (Marcel Davis, Rodrigo DeMedeiros, Kelly King) The baffled, corrupt cops? (Larry Laverty) The surrealist funeral directors? (Dex Manley, Bernadette Cuvalo) The monster? YOU DECIDE in this intense horror thriller!"—Antony DeGennaro