Three rich trustees are murdered - appearing as suicides. When a bus filled with orphans and three other rich trustees has an "accident," Colonel Bingham investigates.
Three trustees of the Van Traylen fund have died during the last few months in deaths looking like suicides. However, after a mysterious bus accident involving the last three trustees and thirty orphan kids, Police Colonel Bingham (Sir Christopher Lee) starts investigating. The first question is why the bus driver, killed in the accident, is burnt when there was no fire during the accident. Dr. Ashley (Peter Cushing) uses hypnosis to find the truth about the mysterious happenings.—Tom Zoerner <[email protected]>
Trustees of an island orphanage are dying under mysterious conditions. After some spooky, creepy investigations and hunts for the villain by police, the suspected villain becomes a victim. It turns out that in an effort to achieve immortality for the trustees, scientists are transferring the memories of the oldest, aging trustees into the brains of the innocent children at the orphanage and then disposing of the aged bodies of the trustees.—actriz45
When the daughter of an ex-con under the care of orphanage run by a powerful, upper class trust is injured in a bus crash, several suspicious details come to light. As a psychologist and a journalist investigate potential trauma in the child's past, high profile Police Colonel Bingham (Sir Christopher Lee) enlists the help of his friend, prominent pathologist Dr. Ashley (Peter Cushing), to identify the incident's connection to a series of "accidental" deaths amongst the wealthy members of the trust's governing board.—mrosesteed