A family consisting of a jobless father, a domestic mother, and eight children with different personalities. As the title suggests, the family also has a mysterious "11th member." Kamiki plays the eldest son Kazuo, a high school student who helps support the family through part time jobs serving at a gas station and doing newspaper delivery. He clashes with his father (Tanabe Seiichi), an artsy photographer with no real earning power. Mitsuura Yasuko plays the part of an obedient wife, while Kato Seishiro plays the shy youngest child who can see a ghost (the "11th member") but doesn't tell the rest of the family.—Tokyograph
Minoru Sanada (Seiichi Tanabe) is a cameraman with little skills in his profession. His wife Megumi (Yasuko Mitsuura) runs a cafe, but the cafe doesn't have any customers. Yet, the couple has 8 chidren. Kazuo Sanada (Ryunosuke Kamiki) is the eldest child in their family of 10 persons. Kazuo, as the eldest son, believes he should sacrifice his own personal interests for the greater good of the family. Kazuo falls into trouble when his uncle runs away with money stolen from a company president. Kazuo relied on his uncle a lot, so Kazuo takes a break from school and takes up part-time jobs. One week later, the Sanada family learns that Kazuo has been absent from school. They hold a family meeting because of this. At their family meeting a 11th person mysteriously appears .—AsianWiki
The Sanada family consists of a father, mother, and eight children. The father, Minoru, is a freelance photographer that is having a hard time finding work and skirts from his responsibility to support his family. He had seven kids with his first wife, Megumi. After she passed away, he met another woman named Megumi and remarried. They had a child name Saigo, the tenth member of the family. In place of a father that has no income, the eldest son works part-time jobs before and after his classes at high school. A deeply emotional person, he tends to take on all his family's problems before losing control of things. One day, the ghost of Megumi appears in front of Saigo. And since no one else in the family can see or hear her, she spends time talking to Saigo. This new type of drama about the Sanada family and their 11th member, a ghost, is penned by popular script writer Kankuro Kudo.—TV Asahi