British soccer champion arrives to Swedish sleepy town to save their soccer team.
Stenfors BK is a very poorly soccer team with an average age of at least 40. In order to save this team, coach and team-member Anders decides to call in a former soccer-star who is no longer the star he used to be. With alcohol problems and no desire to improve his image these days, this is more challenging than Anders first thought. And with a wife who just wants to move and a sarcastic father who disapproves everything, this task is not so easy.—Lenah
In the sleepy town of Stensfors, the soccer team used to be something to be proud of, playing in the national league 30 years ago. Now the team will be dissolved if it can't win the rest of the games in the local league. Team member Kent goes on a business trip to Liverpool and meets Duncan Miller, the premier league football star of the 1980s who promises to come over to Sweden and play a few games just for fun. Unfortunately, when he arrives it is obvious that their savior is both an alcoholic and very unfit to play.—Mattias Thuresson