An accomplished athlete from small-town West Texas is forced to battle his inner demons and put his troubled past to rest when he embarks upon his ultimate dream of racing for a start-up NASCAR team.
On the surface, Adam has it all: he is an accomplished athlete, has the looks of a movie star and has the world lining up to offer him opportunities that others would die for. But in reality, while his facade makes it all look easy, he has been slowly self-destructing for a very long time.
Having struggled with OCD since the death of his parents at the age of 7, he spends much of his time hiding his condition, as well as his deep-rooted self-loathing, from the world around him. All the while he throws himself into increasingly dangerous situations in an attempt to feel something - anything - other than his own misery.
When he is offered the chance to follow his ultimate dream by testing out for a start-up NASCAR team, he finally sees an opportunity for redemption and a semblance of happiness in his future. Off his medication and determined not to blow his big chance, Adam tries desperately to hide his disorder - and his demons - from the team he so desperately wishes to join.
Sensing that Adam is struggling with something far bigger than he can handle, the team's owner, Bill Langley, brings his daughter, Christianne - a beautiful sports psychologist - in to help, a move which only serves to make things worse for the troubled racer.
With the pressures mounting and unable to put his past behind him, Adam's loyal childhood friend, Dean, tries his best to keep him in check and act as the voice of reason. But Adam's condition is only getting worse, and in turn the star is growing increasingly reckless. As the final phase of his try-out nears, it becomes clear that he is putting himself, and those around him, in mounting danger.
Yet, with the help of his therapist and his best friend, Adam begins to realize that opening himself up and facing the ghosts of his past may be the only way to find true salvation, and that he himself is the only one he really has to prove anything to.
As he reveals for the first time the heart-breaking secret surrounding his parents' death, it seems he finally has one last shot at redemption. But will he ever really be able to come to terms with the past and the debilitating condition it spawned? And will he be able to seize this last chance, or will he throw it away, just as he squandered his promising baseball career? As the big race looms, he realizes there is only ONE way to find out...